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DaBaby Celebrates 4/20 at Syracuse Westcott Theater Show

DaBaby Celebrates 4/20 at Syracuse Westcott Theater Show


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After more than two hours of student DJ sets at the Westcott Theater, rapper DaBaby arrived on stage for a performance that lasted just 15 minutes. DaBaby said he loved Syracuse and wished the crowd a happy 4/20 before taking selfies on audience members' phones.

The show was sold out and the venue was full when DaBaby finally arrived with excited fans shining their cell phone lights on the stage. He performed popular hits including Masterpiece and Levitating.

I'm working! said DaBaby when an audience member offered him marijuana in honor of the day. I smoke when I leave.

On Saturday, Syracuse University student-run entertainment agencies Hush Hush Entertainment and Madman Entertainment welcomed DaBaby to the Westcott Theater. The concert faced logistical issues and last-minute changes, but the students still enjoyed the show and DaBaby's energy on stage.

Although originally planned to be held in a parking lot near Walnut Park, the location changed at the last minute to the Westcott Theater. When tickets first went on sale, the concert was supposed to feature rapper NLE Choppa, but after he pulled out, agencies booked DaBaby.

The post link said the event started at 2 p.m. It occurred approximately between 4:20 p.m. and 4:35 p.m. before leaving the building. His DJ did a short set before his show, and the whole event was over by 5 p.m.

Ryan Kessler owns Madman Entertainment, one of the companies that put on the event. He said it was fortunate that his agency was able to book DaBaby and find a new venue at the last second.

It's a great name. The fact that we were able to get it in the first place was awesome, Kessler said.

Ashley Girouard was the opening DJ for the event, this is only the third event she has started DJing for four months ago. Jackson Schneider DJed after Girouard, along with his big brother in the SU chapter of Zeta Beta Tau, Braden Miller. Miller has been DJing for 10 years and Schneider for about a year.

“We're opening for a big rapper that I've known since before I started DJing,” Miller said. It's unreal to be here.

I have always been passionate about music, added Schneider. There's nothing better than being on stage in front of everyone to show people what you love.

Lauren Marino and Katie Ludwig, current seniors who both transferred to SU last year, said the DaBaby concert was their first time at the Westcott Theater, but they plan to attend more local shows.

They both felt they hadn't seen much live music off campus and wanted to explore opportunities. After seeing Bruce Springsteen last week at the Dome, they bought tickets for this concert.

I really want to enjoy these things more because I graduated so early, Marino said.

Gavin Hanna attended the show to support his friends who organized it. He was disappointed that the show venue was moved to the theater, but said he had a great time.

I think Syracuse University should support more events like this outside of the University Union to try to build student resumes, Hanna said.

Freshmen Emilie Dine and Sammy Erwich brought a doll to the show for DaBaby. They handed the doll to DaBaby from the audience and he showed it to everyone.

They said their favorite part of the show was DaBaby's energy and enthusiasm, as he talked to the audience throughout the show.

He was interacting with the crowd and I thought it was so fun,” Erwich said.





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