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'The Exorcism' Trailer Stars Russell Crowe as Self-Exposing Horror Actor

'The Exorcism' Trailer Stars Russell Crowe as Self-Exposing Horror Actor


The trailer for the latest iteration of the demon mining genre was released Thursday with a first look at The exorcismwhich stars Academy Award winner Russell Crowe as an actor who begins to unravel while filming a supernatural horror film.

The exorcismfrom director Joshua John Miller, will see an exclusive theatrical release starting June 7.

In this go-around in the genre that has captivated the public since 1973 The ExorcistCrowe is joined by Ryan Simpkins as his character's estranged daughter, who begins to suspect that her father's issues are more sinister than a relapse into old addiction issues.

According to the logline, Crowe plays Anthony Miller, a “troubled actor who begins to unravel while filming a supernatural horror film.”

The cast is rounded out by several notable supporting actors, including Sam Worthington (Avatar: The Way of Water), Chloe Bailey (Rent this), Adam Goldberg (The equalizer) and David Hyde Pierce (Spawn).

Miller teamed up with co-writer MA Fortin to Exorcism, their second film together. The two shared a writing credit on the upcoming project and hit series Queen of the South; the duo also wrote and produced The final girls. Miller began her decades-long career in Hollywood with a role in Kathryn Bigelow's vampire genre favorite, Almost dark.

Miller said the idea for the film stemmed from his childhood spent watching his father, Jason Miller, play the doomed Father Karras throwing himself out of a window at the climax of The Exorcist.

“If that wasn't haunting enough in itself, my father never hesitated to tell me how 'cursed' the film was: the mysterious fires that ravaged the production, the strange deaths, the lifelong injuries – the list was long. again and again. Since then, the whole ‘cursed movie’ story has captivated me,” he said in a statement.
“With Exorcism, we wanted to update the possession movie formula (“A heroic man saves a woman from forces she's too weak and simple to fight herself!”) for a world where no group possesses goodness and decency in relation to another,” he continued. “We had an extraordinary cast and creative team to tell the story of how vulnerable we all are to darkness and its perpetuation if we fail to face our demons.”

North American horror film rights, formerly known as The Georgetown Project, were acquired by independent distributor Vertical. It was produced by Miramax, Kevin Williamson and Outerbanks Entertainment.




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