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Bella Hadid exudes retro glamor in a flowy pink dress with a plunging neckline while out in New York

Bella Hadid exudes retro glamor in a flowy pink dress with a plunging neckline while out in New York


Bella Hadid temporarily swapped her cowgirl boots for kitten heels as she returned to New York ahead of the 2024 Met Gala following her move to Fort Worth, Texas.

On Saturday, the 27-year-old model served the glamorous 1970s prom queen in a flowy sheer dress with a pink floral print and a plunging neckline.

Her look featured long, puffy sleeves that were draped and connected to the ruched waist of the dress.

Hadid complemented the elegant dress with a pair of matching open heels, which showed off her blush pedicure.

The Orebella founder showed off her matching manicure with sparkling rings while carrying a gold metal clutch.

Bella Hadid served 1970s prom queen glamor in a flowy sheer dress with a pink floral print as she stepped out in New York on Saturday.

Bella Hadid served 1970s prom queen glamor in a flowy sheer dress with a pink floral print as she stepped out in New York on Saturday.

Her look featured long, puffy sleeves that were draped and connected to the ruched waist of the dress.

Hadid completed the dress with a pair of matching peep-toe kitten heels, flaunting her blush pedicure

Her look featured long puff sleeves that fell and connected to the dress's ruched waist. Hadid completed the dress with a pair of matching open-toe kitten heels, flaunting her blush pedicure.

She framed her glamorous streamlined look with a pair of silver earrings and a long straight hairstyle with a thin crown braid.

Hadid smiled through a glossy red lip as she was escorted by her security out of the Bowery Hotel, where fans awaited a preview.

After recently moving to the Lone Star State, the model returned to the Big Apple just in time for Monday's Met Gala, where she will likely make her red carpet debut with boyfriend Adan Banuelos.

She previously stepped out with the rodeo star, 35, on Friday for the launch of her Orebella perfume line.

Hadid shared some behind-the-scenes images and videos from the party on her Instagram Story on Saturday.

The Ramy actress wore a corseted yellow wrap dress, adorned with a classic floral print.

She showed off the structured gold bottle of the perfume in one photo, biting into a pink flower-shaped “Orebella” cookie in another.

Hadid also posed for a selfie with fellow model Alex Consani, who wore a purple dress for the event.

Her latest outing follows reports in March that she bought a house in Fort Worth to be closer to her new boyfriend.

The Orebella founder showed off her matching manicure with sparkly rings while carrying a gold metal clutch

The Orebella founder showed off her matching manicure with sparkly rings while carrying a gold metal clutch

She framed her glamorous streamlined look with a pair of silver earrings.

She donned a straight hairstyle with a thin crown braid.

She framed her glamorous streamlined look with a pair of silver earrings and a long, straight hairstyle with a thin crown braid.

Hadid smiled through a glossy red lip as she was escorted by her security out of the Bowery Hotel, where fans awaited a preview

Hadid smiled through a glossy red lip as she was escorted by her security out of the Bowery Hotel, where fans awaited a preview

She had already retired on Friday for the launch of her Orebella perfume line.

She had already retired on Friday for the launch of her Orebella perfume line.

Hadid shared some behind-the-scenes images and videos from the party on her Instagram Story on Saturday, donning a corseted yellow wrap dress, which featured a classic floral painting print.

Hadid shared some behind-the-scenes images and videos from the party on her Instagram Story on Saturday, donning a corseted yellow wrap dress, which featured a classic floral painting print.

She showed off the structured gold bottle of the perfume in a photo

Hadid also posed for a selfie with fellow model Alex Consani, who wore a purple dress for the event.

She showed off the structured gold bottle of the perfume in a photo. Hadid also posed for a selfie with fellow model Alex Consani, who wore a purple dress for the event.

After recently moving to Texas, the model is back in New York just in time for Monday's Met Gala, where she will likely make her red carpet debut with boyfriend Adan Banuelos.

After recently moving to Texas, the model is back in New York just in time for Monday's Met Gala, where she will likely make her red carpet debut with boyfriend Adan Banuelos.

Adan is a superstar in the equestrian world, becoming one of the youngest people to be inducted into the National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) Hall of Fame in 2017.

He is also the son of Ascencion Banuelos, the first Mexican-American to be inducted into the National Cutting Horse Association Hall of Fame.

Bella first became romantically involved with Adan last October, when they were spotted kissing and holding hands while walking through Fort Worth's historic stockyards.

A long-time equestrian herself, Bella has refocused on equestrian events since March 2023, after taking a break from modeling to treat her Lyme disease.

The diagnosis had already forced her to give up horseback riding in 2016, when she was a nationally ranked track rider for the Olympics.

Hadid recently showed off her rodeo curls after a few successful events, where she and Banuelos supported each other.




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