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Charlottesville Vintage Boutique Had Just the Dress for 'Challengers' Star Zendaya

Charlottesville Vintage Boutique Had Just the Dress for 'Challengers' Star Zendaya


If you saw Zendaya's appearance on Tuesday's “Live with Kelly and Mark,” you probably noticed the bright spring green designer dress the star wore.

The hue, reminiscent of a tennis ball, was a playful nod to her new tennis-themed film, “Challengers,” which comes out this weekend. The fit was perfect. And a post from the star's stylist on social media let everyone know that the dress came from a vintage store in Charlottesville.

Angela Cook, owner of Arsenic and Old Lace Vintage, wasn't watching the show Tuesday, but she said she saw an Instagram post from Law Roach, Zendaya's stylist, in which Zendaya wore the Thierry Mugler two-piece dress that he had bought at the store. about a month ago. During her “Live with Kelly and Mark” interview, Zendaya, 27, said she had worked with Roach since she was 14 years old.

Arsenic and Old Lace Vintage, just off Charlottesville's Downtown Mall at 105 S. First St., continually posts new clothing photos and videos on Instagram, where Roach saw the skirt suit and contacted Cook. Roach was not available for comment.

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“Her stylist messaged me and said, 'She has your look,'” Cook said. “He tagged my store, which was really nice. He didn't have to do that.”

Zendaya wears a locally sourced dress

Zendaya was photographed on her way to Tuesday's “Live with Kelly & Mark” wearing a vintage Thierry Mugler suit purchased at Arsenic and Old Lace Vintage in Charlottesville.


Cook had owned the 1980s Mugler design for about a decade. With its eye-catching color, rhinestone arrow pin, and just the right amount of drape, the high-waisted pencil skirt and sculpted jacket ensemble had plenty of appeal, but its slim 24-inch waist ruled out many shoppers potential. On the star, however, the dress looked like a custom creation made just for her.

In her new film, “Challengers,” Zendaya plays a tennis prodigy turned coach whose tennis champion husband is on a losing streak and whose ex-boyfriend stands in the way of her husband's next victory.

Zendaya, winner of two Primetime Emmy Awards and a Golden Globe Award, began winning over TV fans with her work on Disney Channel's “Shake It Up” and “KC Undercover.” She became the youngest actress to win the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series, winning twice for her work in the HBO teen drama series “Euphoria.”

Movie fans also know the actress and singer for her work in “Dune,” “Dune: Part Two,” “Malcolm & Marie,” “The Greatest Showman” and “Spider-Man: Homecoming.”

Cook, who has been collecting vintage clothing since she was 16, said the dress never lived up to its potential on a mannequin in the store. It was designed to be worn, not displayed, she said. Part of what she loves about running a vintage store is seeing what happens when beautiful clothes that have been languishing in the back of previous owners' closets come back into circulation and find the right people for them. wear again.

Cook, who praised the serendipity of “the right designer, the perfect color, the right size,” said many people have asked her in recent days if she found letting go of the dress painful.

“I wasn’t sad, I was elated,” Cook said. “It looked great on her. I loved seeing someone love it and wear it.”

“Honestly, I love it when people buy these things and give them new life. It's like sharing things with your friends,” Cook said. “It’s like seeing the things you love come to life.”




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