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RIP Bernard Hill, Lord of the Rings and Titanic actor

RIP Bernard Hill, Lord of the Rings and Titanic actor


Bernard Hill has died. By Variety, his agent, Lou Colson, confirmed Hills' death without any cause. Known for his highly dramatic and important roles in several of Hollywood's biggest blockbusters, Hill died at the age of 79 with his fiancée and son by his side.

Born on December 17, 1944, in Blackley, Manchester, England, Hill came from a strict family of Catholic miners disconcerted by his chosen profession. Nonetheless, Hill caught the acting bug in college after seeing David Warner in Hamlet.

Best known for his rousing speeches about the battlefields of Rohan and the heavy responsibility of sinking the Titanic, Hill began his career in the mid-1970s, working in the BBC drama series that earned him his escape. Following a role in the BBC's much-loved adaptation of 1, ClaudiusHill starred as Yosser Hughes in two 1982 episodes of the BBC anthology series. Play for the daytitled The black thing and its sequel, Blackstuff Boys. The role made Hill a meme for the era. Her character's catchphrase, Gizza job (Liverpudlian for Give us a job), became a popular slogan for dissidents of Margret Thatcher's government.

Everyone saw [Boys From The Blackstuff] on TV, the whole nation saw it, Hill said in 2012. People from the upper classes […] attributed this as a sort of reference point for social behavior.

The following year, he appeared in the Oscar-winning biopic Gandhi and continued to act on BBC television throughout the 1980s, appearing in adaptations of Henry IV And Richard III. He also starred in Peter Greenaway's 1988 film. Drowning in numbers. Not every film Hill has starred in has won Oscars, but starting with Gandhi, it became a lucky charm. Although his film was nominated for an Oscar, it won several. Gandhi won eight; Titanic And The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King won 11.

In 1997, director James Cameron gave him the role of TitanicIt's Captain Smith. For a film filled with iconic moments of doomed gravitas, his slow walk to the ship's helm as the supposedly unsinkable liner sank ranks among the most tragic. Hills' performance undoubtedly inspired his next leadership position as King Thoden in the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers And The king's return.

As Thoden, Hill delivered iconic speeches on the battlefield. His generous charisma and commitment helped ground much of the digital warfare he engaged in, giving a true sense of responsibility to his kingdom. The actor gave director Peter Jackson's adaptation an unparalleled realism that cut through the swords and sorcery, injecting the film with real, believable stakes and tension.

Rise, rise, Riders of Thoden! he commanded as King Thoden. The spears will be shaken; the shields will be broken. A sword day, a red day, before the sun rises!

King Thodens' Battle Speech

Although he starred in several of the highest-grossing films in history, he returned to television after leaving Middle-earth, often lending his dignified voice to British television documentaries. He also starred in the films True crime, The Scorpion King, ValkyrieAnd ParaNormand. In 2012, he hinted that he might soon leave stage and cinema. Like a horse at a watering trough, you drink in the pleasure of it all. I think I took my head out of the water.




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