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Official ID man shot dead in Hollywood subway station | News

Official ID man shot dead in Hollywood subway station |  News


HOLLYWOOD — Authorities on Wednesday identified a man who allegedly stabbed a security guard at a B (Red) Line subway station in Hollywood and then was shot and killed by a security guard on the spot.

Officers and paramedics were dispatched to the 1500 block of North Vermont Avenue around 9:10 a.m. Tuesday, according to the Los Angeles Police Department and Los Angeles Fire Department.

According to the LAFD, paramedics were directed to the station platform level, and they also became aware of a second victim near Vermont and De Longpré avenues.

Metro spokesman José Ubaldo said the situation began on a B line train when a passenger “pressed an emergency alarm, causing the train to stop before the station.”

“Metro Contract Security was able to reset the alarm when the person ran off the train to an auxiliary (non-public) area of ​​the Vermont/Sunset station,” Ubaldo said. “This resulted in an altercation during which the contract security officers first used pepper spray and then after the intruder stabbed one of the contract security officers in the leg, an officer contract security fired a weapon in self-defense.

“The contract security guard was transported to hospital in stable condition. The intruder did not survive his injuries.”

It was unclear whether the guard who shot the man was the same guard who was stabbed.

On Wednesday, the fatally injured man was identified by the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner as Ryan Ludwick, 31, whose city of residence was not known. Ludwick was found dead on a sidewalk a short distance from the station.

Ubaldo said Metro is working with its security team “to provide the support and assistance they need.”

The deadly clash is the latest in a series of violent incidents involving the transit system in recent weeks. An unspecified number of metro bus drivers took part in a “sick-out” on Friday to protest recent attacks on bus operators, calling for additional security measures. Metro's board of directors voted last week to expedite the purchase and installation of protective barriers for drivers.

The board also voted to explore other safety measures, noting the recent fatal shooting of a woman on a B Line train in the Studio City neighborhood.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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