New Paul McCartney solo album coming in 2020
Paul McCartney says he had no plans to release an album in 2020, which marks the 50th anniversary of the release of his first solo album.
But the coronavirus pandemic has changed that. While on lockdown in the UK, he was able to polish unfinished songs and piece together some new ones. The result is a brand new album, “McCartney III”, which hits stores on December 11th.
The self-produced “McCartney III” follows in the footsteps of “McCartney” of the 1970s and “McCartney II” of the 1980s. It is “primarily constructed from Paul’s live takes on vocals and guitar or piano, adding his bass playing, drums, etc. at the top of that foundation, “according to a press release.
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I lived in lockdown on my farm with my family and went to my studio every day, “McCartney said in the release.” I had to do a bit of work on film music and it became the opening track and then when that was done I thought what am I going to do next?
“I had stuff that I had worked on over the years, but sometimes the time would go by and it was still half done so I started to think about what I had. Every day I would start recording with the instrument I wrote the song about, and then gradually it was about making music for yourself rather than making music that has to do a job. I just did things that I wanted to do. I had no idea it would end up like an album.
The tracks include “When Winter Comes”, a song co-produced by GeorgeMartin that had remained unfinished since the 1990s. It is described as the “grand finale” of the album.
The photos accompanying the album were taken by her daughter Mary McCartney and her nephew Sonny McCartney. There are even a few McCartneys got caught on his phone. This is in keeping with the tradition of using photos of his wife Linda with “McCartney” and “McCartney II”. Linda died of breast cancer in 1998. She was 56 years old.
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As a nod to independent record stores, which struggled during the pandemic, a limited edition of 4,000 EPs of white vinyl will go exclusively to small stores across the country.
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