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‘I had to find another way’


Dame Judi Dench has been on TV and movie screens for 60 years, and at 86, she has no plans to quit acting anytime soon.

It would be inspiring enough, but Dench is currently grappling with an issue that makes him absolutely extraordinary: She is losing her vision.

Judi Dench visiting TODAY in 2017. Nathan Congleton / NBC

Currently suffering from age-related macular degeneration, which affects nearly 11 million people in the USA, Dench recently told the Guardian that although she may have to adjust her life and work style, she will not retire.

“You find a way to move around and get over things that you find very difficult,” she says. “I had to find another way to learn lines and things, and that is to have my great friends repeat myself. So I have to learn by repetition, and I just hope people don’t. notice too if all the lines are completely hopeless! “

The unadorned, white-haired little actress is familiar to American audiences from her tours in films like “Shakespeare in Love” (for which she won her Oscar); “Mrs. Brown”, “Victoria & Abdul”, “Skyfall” (and several other modern James Bond films) and “Philomena”, among others.

Dench with Daniel Craig in “Skyfall” in 2012.Alamy

She’s also thrilled us in recent years by getting a tattoo at 81 and being the oldest person on the British Vogue cover at 85.

The loss of her sight, Dench explained, appears to be genetic: her mother also had some loss of sight; her daughter, Finty, “goes and has her eyes checked” regularly.

Still, she noted what she sees as a benefit: “It allows you to do one thing and that is you have to get close to people before you can recognize who they are. During the lockdown, I did a movie and I was up close speaking to people wearing masks during rehearsals, nothing to do with the scenes I’m in. It’s kinda exquisite if you can do that and that’s the good side, and you have to look that way. “

Dench has played Queen Victoria twice (including in “Victoria and Abdul” in 2017) and Queen Elizabeth I.Alamy

And it has to be admired that Dench can even laugh a bit at the way his body is changing.

“I was doing ‘The Winters Tale’ with Ken Branagh a few years ago, playing Paulina, and after running for about three weeks at the Garrick (theater) he told me I had a long speech at the end there said, “Judi, if you were to say this speech about eight feet to your right, you would say it to me and not to the bow (from the front stage),” she said.

Then she laughed, “I’m counting on people to tell me!”

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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