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Paul McCartney attends his daughter Stella McCartney’s show at Paris Fashion Week

Paul McCartney attends his daughter Stella McCartney’s show at Paris Fashion Week


Paul McCartney showed his support for his daughter Stella McCartneythe fashion line of by attending its latest fashion show.

The legendary musician sat front row during the brand’s Spring 2023 show on Monday at the Center Pompidou in Paris, France, where he was accompanied by his wife, Nancy Shevel. His other daughter Married was also present, actively photographing the celebrity audience and all the looks that paraded the runway. McCartney and Shevell also later joined Stella backstage, congratulating her on the new collection and posing for a handful of photos. For the occasion, the former Beatle wore a navy double-breasted blazer and trousers, layered over a blue sweatshirt and light blue polo shirt. Shevell opted for a shimmery pink cardigan, baby pink midi skirt and camel overcoat, accessorized with matching soft vegan leather boots and a gold chain embellished handbag.

The public appearance comes just days after McCartney proved that despite turning 80 this summer, he still feels as young as ever. On Friday, the singer demonstrated his advanced yoga technique and flexibility, sharing a photo on instagram of himself doing a handstand while watching MSNBC alongside his very unimpressed dog, Rose. The handstand is my moment of parade when I’m at the gym… A yoga teacher once told me that it keeps you young, he captioned the photo.

In a blog post on her website, McCartney went on to explain, I love yoga and practice when I can. I think I first got into it when we were with the Maharishi in Rishikesh, India. There were a few there and there were people among his colleagues who were very good at it, and that interested me a little. Over the years, I’ve just learned a few tricks, like a handstand! He added that he likes to do the handstand specifically because you put all your body organs upside down and the rest of the day they are either lying flat in bed or standing up and gravity is pulling them. down, apparently the inversion is supposed to be good. But it’s fun to do too!




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