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Ethical Fashion Initiative partners with Ivorian concept ABY to celebrate designs made in Africa this holiday season

Ethical Fashion Initiative partners with Ivorian concept ABY to celebrate designs made in Africa this holiday season
Ethical Fashion Initiative partners with Ivorian concept ABY to celebrate designs made in Africa this holiday season


ABY-Concept and the Ethical Fashion Initiative are delighted to announce a series of events taking place in December to showcase 10 labels producing sustainably on the continent. The events, which will take place in the striking setting of the ABY concept store, will highlight some of the biggest innovations in Ivorian and African fashion.

Featured brands supported by ABY for this event are part of EFIs Designer Accelerator, an initiative that helps African brands grow their businesses to secure investment and achieve global reach. Ready-to-wear brands Hamaji and Katush (Kenya), Oudy K (Mali), Atelier VO (Benin) and native Côte d’Ivoire brands Laurenceairline and Kente Gentlemen, will be presented alongside accessories brands Rummage , Jiamini (both Kenyan), Margaux Wong (Burundi) and Ivory Coast own OHIRI.

ABY is very pleased to add the EFI Accelerator brands to the exciting in-store lineup. For ABY, fashion is not just a word, it’s a commitment; our mission is to support and promote African creativity made on the continent. We are more than proud to offer our international customers premium products exclusively made in Africa.

– Alix Koffi, ABY Creative Director

For EFI, the choice to work with ABY concept was simple. The company’s commitment to only stock fashion designed and made in Africa, combined with its social mission to create jobs on the continent, make it a unique and inspiring company that EFI is proud to partner with.

Made in Africa – that’s so important. The impact of a 100% made in Africa sustainable supply chain is decent work for artisans and producers supporting entire communities. Aby Concept has created an exceptional platform to showcase creatives with this meaningful mission

– Simone Cipriani, founder of EFI

The events will begin on December 14 with the launch of a 3-month pop-up in the Abidjan store. Also taking place on December 14 is an invitation-only fashion show showcasing incredible fashion designed and made in Africa in the idyllic setting of the ABY rooftop.

On December 15, all are invited to attend exciting roundtables that will focus on topics at the heart of the Ethical Fashion Initiatives mission. The 5pm roundtable on creative industries in Côte d’Ivoire will feature an exciting mix of creative industries pioneers; designer Aristide Loua of Kente Gentlemen, Lafalaise Dion of Queen of Cowries, curator Bayo Hassan Bello and creative director of ABYs, Alix Koffi. At 6:30 p.m., the African Sustainability Opportunity discussion will examine the creative industries through a sustainability lens, with insights from marketing expert Kwame Senou, EFIs Sadiath Aminou and Chloe Mukai, and Jean Servais Somian, Founder of the sustainable label Somian Design.

The events begin with the pop-up shop on December 14 and will all take place at the ABY Concept store on Rue Booker Washington in Abidjan. More details can be found on @ethicalfashion & @aby_concept




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