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Boat shoes are back! Here's how to style them

Boat shoes are back!  Here's how to style them



Do you remember the scary sight of your father putting on his casual shoes without socks during the holidays? Well, get ready, because these kicks are making a big comeback.

Come on board with us to discover the return of a wardrobe classic: boat shoes. Yes, you heard right, those trusty deck shoes are back in style, and it's high time we embrace their resurgence with open arms and well-dressed feet.

Miu Miu: Runway - Paris Fashion Week - Women Spring/Summer 2024GettyImages

In a world where fashion trends ebb and flow like the tides, it's no surprise to see the return of boat shoes on the horizon. But what sets this revival apart is its contemporary touch, blending rugged charm and haute couture sensibility. Forget what you thought you knew about these nautical kicks; In 2024, boat shoes are all about versatility, personality and effortless cool.

Miu Miu - Fashion Show - Spring/Summer 2024 Paris Fashion WeekGettyImages

First, let's talk about the shoes themselves. Today's boat shoes are a far cry from their preppy predecessors. With an almost ballerina-like silhouette and fit, they exude a casual charm perfect for adventures on land and sea. Whether you're coastal or urban chic, these versatile Miu Miu and Loewe-approved sneakers are ready to anchor your outfit with ease.

How to Style Boat Shoes

Miu Miu - Fashion Show - Spring/Summer 2024 Paris Fashion WeekGettyImages

Now for the fun part: styling. One of the best things about boat shoes is their ability to complement a wide range of looks. For a classic, preppy vibe, pair them with fitted chinos or crisp white shorts, complemented by a lightweight sweater or button-down shirt. Don't be afraid to play with patterns and textures: mixing stripes, checks and bright colors can add a playful touch to your ensemble.

Miu Miu - Fashion Show - Spring/Summer 2024 Paris Fashion WeekGettyImages

Feeling a little more adventurous? Take inspiration from the runways and embrace the sloppy, boyish chic aesthetic. Wear a striped shirt under a varsity navy blazer, throw on some loose-fitting swim shorts, and finish the look with your favorite pair of scuffed boat shoes. It's about embracing that cool, effortless vibe that says: I may have a trust fund, but I'm not afraid to be a little rough around the edges.

But wait, there's more! Boat shoes are no longer reserved for fans of yacht clubs or fraternities. Thanks to their sturdy construction and sturdy soles, they are perfectly suitable for everyday use. Pair them with distressed jeans and a vintage band tee for an edgy, urban-inspired look, or dress them down with wide drawstrings and a fitted blazer for a more polished ensemble.

Miu Miu - Fashion Show - Spring/Summer 2024 Paris Fashion WeekGettyImages

And let's not forget the ladies! Boat shoes are no longer just a men's fashion staple, they're a unisex essential that's just as chic for women as they are for men. Pair them with a floaty summer dress for a laid-back summer vibe, or team them with cropped pants and a lightweight blouse for a look that's both casual and sophisticated.

Miu Miu: Runway - Paris Fashion Week - Women Spring/Summer 2024GettyImages

And there you have it, boat shoes are back and better than ever. Whether you're sailing the high seas or the urban jungle, these versatile shoes are sure to elevate your style. So why wait? Favorable winds and elegant seas await you!




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