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Sennheiser Momentum Sport: Track your fitness through your ears

Sennheiser Momentum Sport: Track your fitness through your ears


I was a little skeptical of the $329.95 Sennheiser Momentum Sport earphones. Other earbuds I've tested with heart rate tracking features have been cumbersome. Tracking your workouts may be well-intentioned, but in reality it can be a bit hit or miss. So I was pleasantly surprised when the Momentum Sport earphones delivered what they promised: an easy way to view real-time fitness metrics without sacrificing sound quality.

Most fitness buds feature enhanced bass, a more secure fit, and an emphasis on durability. The Momentum Sport also has an optical heart rate sensor and a temperature sensor. The point I'm trying to make here is that the ear is actually a more accurate place to collect this kind of data than the wrist (which is technically true!). It also integrates with the Polar Flow app, giving you access to Polars training analytics, audio guidance, and coaching. In a way, this is a lot like a chest strap… except you can stuff it in your ears and it can play music.

These buds are large for my ears, but they never fell out during my runs.

The only thing I didn't like was the touch controls. Still, it's helpful to wear gloves.

As a runner, my fitness checklist is a little different than my everyday one. You have to keep them in your ears, a good transmission mode is a must, they can't do anything terrible on windy days, and they don't break in a light rain. The Momentum Sport has received great reviews across the board.

Earbud fit is always a challenge, but the Sport Buds are perfect for working out. The buds are larger and my ears are smaller, so they weren't as comfortable as my favorite running buds, the Beats Fit Pro. However, I have taken them for a run several times and they have never fallen out of my ears.

I've had issues with heart rate tracking earbuds in the past due to fit. Good contact with the sensor is very important, so a poor fit can lead to unstable results or no results at all. This negates the entire essence of in-ear metrics tracking: increased accuracy. We didn't have that problem here. So if you play a sport where a smartwatch isn't suitable, or if you find the chest strap uncomfortable, this is a great alternative. This theoretically eliminates the need to wear a wearable to capture data, especially if you like training to music.

In addition to the Smart Control app, you can also see real-time heart rate and temperature metrics in Polar Flow and other fitness apps.

Transparency and windshield modes were perfect for running outdoors. I could still easily hear the cars whirring around me, but the strong gusts of wind didn't drown out my sounds. I even took it on a miserable rainy day run with no issues. However, I always check the weather before going for a run. These are IP55, which is a little better than the typical IPX4 found in buds, but can be dangerous in severe thunderstorms.

It turns out you're not limited to your own companion app when it comes to fitness tracking. If you're part of the Polars ecosystem, it's fully integrated with your Polar Vantage V3 watch. Even if you don't have a Polar watch, you can also link the Sennheiser Smart Control app to the Polar Flow app on your phone. Then just launch your workout from Polar Flow and select it as your heart rate sensor. I tried it and it worked. If you don't have a favorite fitness app, Polar Flow is a very comprehensive app. The downside is that you won't be wearing this all day, so your recovery insights won't be very good.

If you have a tattoo on your wrist and are concerned about the accuracy of your smartwatch's heart rate, you can use your smartwatch to measure your heart rate instead.

It also works with other fitness apps and smartwatches that support Bluetooth accessories. I checked and was able to pair it with Strava and Runkeeper, two fitness apps I use frequently. I was also able to pair it to my Apple Watch Ultra 2 and view heart rate metrics from there. I am so grateful to receive training guidance from the platform of my choice. When I tested the Amazfit Powerbuds Pro, a similar fitness tracking earphone, I had to use its own companion app to access many health features. It just added more chaos to my routine.

As for accuracy, I was within about 5 beats per minute of the Garmin Forerunner 165 Music paired with the HRM-Fit chest strap. The temperature was even more concerning. First of all, accuracy is difficult to test. Driving with a thermometer sticking out of your ear is a safety hazard, and other wearable products focus on changes in skin temperature during the night. But I can see why high-level athletes value body temperature data. That's too much for the average person. Exercise makes you warm. And even if you don't know your exact body temperature, you'll probably notice when you start to overheat.

The case can hold about 3 more full charges. It also has a convenient finger loop.

Sound quality is the most important thing in headphones that I use every day. Fitness Buds also benefit from excellent sound quality. I'll put up with some ringing in my ears as long as I can run through it listening to K-Pop anthems. Not a problem here! I've been going to see a lot of Stray Kids lately, and their thumping, percussive MEGAVERSE is perfect for this sound. The bass on the buds is great, but the rest of it sounds great too.

As for the battery, it offers about 6 hours of playback, which is plenty for your average long run or race. The case also has three full charges, which should last you quite a while with normal use. I've been using these as my daily training and commuting headphones for the past two weeks. My case still has about 40 percent battery left.

What I didn't like was the touch controls. You can customize it with the Smart Control app, but I found it too easy to activate while adjusting the fit. This happened even though I adjusted the tap sensitivity to low. Still, when wearing gloves and training in cold weather, it's better to have them than not.

It's pricey at $330, but I appreciate that the fitness tracking features work as advertised.

It's pricey at $330, but it's technically a chest strap and headphones in one. My Beats Fit Pro was on sale for about $180, and I'm currently using his $150 Garmin HRM-Fit as a chest strap. (However, chest straps are available for about $80 to $100.) That's about the same cost.

In the past, my problem with fitness tracking earbuds was that they didn't make my life easier. The fit was a little weird, so it took me a while to get it to work. When I was already using other fitness apps, I didn't need the additional training features in Buds. Sennheiser Momentum Sport doesn't just promise better sound and an alternative way to measure your heart rate. That's all I want from fitness enthusiasts.




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