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Northeast Ohio Entrepreneurs Fuel Their Passion for Fashion as Personal Stylists

Northeast Ohio Entrepreneurs Fuel Their Passion for Fashion as Personal Stylists


Sylvie Hart knows that style is much more than fashion. Hart has worked diligently on his appearance during his corporate career, understanding that first impressions matter more than polite society is willing to admit.

The power of presentation is what drives Hart's new job as a personal stylist, where she updates the wardrobes of busy executives while giving advice on what to wear and when. Twenty years in boardrooms and high-profile offices prepared Hart for this moment, she said.

I leaned into my background knowing how important it was to communicate who I am, said Hart, a former executive at GE and Cardinal Health. Now I help other professionals do the same.

Hart works primarily with women, helping clients organize their wardrobe with a touch of personal image consulting. Her process is meticulous and data-driven, starting with a style analysis and wardrobe review. Hart even asks managers to keep a log of what they wear.

Establishing a fashion baseline makes it much easier to create a basic wardrobe for her Northeast Ohio-based clients, a responsibility the Cleveland Heights resident fulfills by visiting high-end regional boutiques as well as department store chains such as TJ Maxx and Target.

I create a list of gaps, that way it's very systematic in what I buy, Hart said. You're not going to buy another pair of black pants if you don't need them. Let's fill these gaps to maximize what you already have.

Eliminate stress

A demanding business landscape supports a personal style market that grew 6.2% nationally between 2016 and 2021, according to industry research organization IBISWorld. According to data from the Association of Image Consultant Professionals, most personal stylists operate as independent contractors, which allows for greater flexibility in schedule and workload.

Hart works independently with women and in recent years has added their husbands to his portfolio. She works on commission for luxury men's clothing brand J.Hilburn, incorporating custom sport coats, evening wear and other clothing into an entrepreneurial effort that began when a friend needed advice on how to dress for a TED conference.

Hart purchased shoes that were a particular problem for her friend — then collected free clothing that boosted her first customers' unofficial confidence during the presentation.

After the talk, she said you have to do this for other women because it totally took the stress away from her and she felt good on stage, Hart said.

Today, Hart builds his business largely through referrals and also presents to trade associations to attract new clientele. In February, she shared her passion for fashion with a group of Cleveland Clinic employees.

People want that help — they understand the importance of feeling good in their clothes, Hart said. So when I can get in front of professional groups, it's a great way for me to market what I do.

Melissa Rosenberg-Bilsky, a personal stylist for a decade, had a more traditional path into fashion entrepreneurship. Clothing merchandising brought Rosenberg Bilsky to New York, while motherhood and the search for a better work-life balance boomeranged her back to Northeast Ohio.

Personal stylist Melissa Rosenberg Bilsky shows off the clothing options she uses in her daily work.

J. Nungesser


Ideastream Public Media

Personal stylist Melissa Rosenberg Bilsky shows off the clothing options she uses in her daily work.

Rosenberg Bilsky is now an independent style consultant at J. Hilburn, partnering with a Cleveland-area male clientele who is too busy to shop or just can't find clothes that look good on them. She builds her portfolio through referrals, first reaching out to family and friends before branching out into new relationships.

I always ask for referrals from happy customers, and that's a big part of my growth, Rosenberg Bilsky said. Over the years I have organized giveaway shows, raffles and other events. And I always share with others what I do.

Beyond and beyond

Rosenberg Bilsky's outreach might include handing his business card to a well-dressed man at a Cleveland coffee shop. LinkedIn connections with Northeast Ohio executives are another way to market yourself, a tactic that includes scanning professional newsletters for the latest promotions from senior executives.

Yet relationship building goes beyond patented sales methods, Rosenberg Bilsky said.

You're not just selling a shirt, Rosenberg Bilsky said. I have customers texting me asking which shirt goes best with which suit. This is my favorite part. It's fun knowing that someone feels good in what they're wearing and that you've helped them gain the confidence they're looking for.

Personal styling is a hot profession that doesn't require moving to Los Angeles, New York or Miami, says Hillary Stone, a professor at the Kent State University School of Fashion. Locally, stylists are hired by department stores and boutiques, or develop a business around serving individual customers.

Digital influencer culture has given momentum to the industry, Stone said. Although celebrities with a built-in fan base have been successful in promoting their clothes, the stylists who dress these personalities have gained huge online followings themselves. Stones students create online portfolios on TikTok and Snapchat, giving them access to an unlimited range of potential clients, she added.

It's about hair, makeup, clothes and the people behind the scenes, Stone said. It's interesting to see how this world evolves.

People searching for trends online have further boosted the industry during the pandemic, with Instagram and TikTok serving as home stores for fashion lovers, Stone noted. Stores like Dillards have in-house support, but a personal stylist will literally purge a customer's closet and then bring new clothes to their home or join them on a shopping excursion.

The process comes down to interviewing someone, doing an assessment and asking them what they like about themselves, Stone said. How do you see yourself? Is there anything you want to change? They will tell you what they want to build on.

People want that help – they understand the importance of feeling good in their clothes. »

Sylvie Hart

Such luxury service does not come cheap median hourly rate for image consultants and personal stylists, the cost is $100 an hour, according to data and software company PayScale. Stylist Hart charges between $1,750 and $7,500 depending on the level of service – $3,500 gets clients a 12-week consultation that includes putting together a wardrobe and all the outfits they need for the season .

Hart has a 90% customer retention rate, which she attributes to a growing population of professionals eager to embrace their unique talent. She can collaborate with 15 to 20 clients per month during seasonal changes, bringing the latest looks from Paris and beyond.

I love every minute of it,” Hart said. It's like being a problem solver for clients who want to look and feel their best. I make their lives a little easier, knowing that this is something they insisted on. They don't need to do that anymore.




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