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Nike and Vivienne Tam take the AI ​​fashion revolution to the next level

Nike and Vivienne Tam take the AI ​​fashion revolution to the next level


Last week, Nike brought together a large number of athletes, media, investors and enthusiasts at its three-day gala in Paris, where the giant unveiled Project AIR, a platform that will deploy generative AI to design and print custom prototypes for athletes in minutes. As part of the activation, Nike revealed 13 AI-generated sneakers, co-created with notable sports figures, including footballer Kylian Mbappé.

Nike wasn't the only brand harnessing the power of AI in design this week. Vivienne Tam, a passionate advocate of Web3 technologies, announced a long-term strategic partnership with AI technology pioneer Altava to explore the intersection of fashion and technology.

Mmerch, an AI-powered disruptor, is also putting its unique technology-driven model into practice; this week, the brand revealed its inaugural collection of neo-couture pieces to the world. As a proof of concept, will the newcomers' high ambitions pay off?

Vivienne Tam has partnered with gamified social commerce platform Altava to strengthen its digital roadmap.  Photo: Altava
Vivienne Tam has partnered with gamified social commerce platform Altava to strengthen its digital roadmap. Photo: Altava

What happened: Chinese fashion designer and NYFW staple Vivienne Tam has entered into a strategic partnership with AI fashion technology company Altava. To launch this initiative, Altava developed an immersive CGI video that served as the backdrop for Tams' latest collection at the Palais de Tokyo.

Details of the wider partnership are expected to be revealed later this year, with the collaboration promising to open up new avenues of creative expression.

The verdict: Altava, a vertical AI startup created as part of the LVMH La Maison des Startups program, is consolidating its reputation with big names in luxury. To date, the company's partners include Balmain, Clarins, Fendi and Prada.

This is why this combination seems like a natural choice. Tam, one of the first fashion figures to champion technologies such as NFTs and AI, frequently combines innovation and cultural heritage on and off the runway. Thanks to its partnership with Altava, the designer has greater room to maneuver to develop this vision and rejuvenate AI in design.

Hugo Boss has launched a virtual point of sale in Bali.  Photo: Emperia
Hugo Boss has launched a virtual point of sale in Bali. Photo: Emperia

What happened: Hugo Boss has teamed up with virtual store developer Emperia to launch a new immersive shopping destination. Based on the real Boss House Bali, a villa designed by architect Alexis Dornier, the brand invited a select group of Hugo Boss Experience members, VIP clients, media and key trendsetters from the Asia Pacific region to explore. Now, a virtual counterpart of the villa is open to the public.

Visitors can browse and purchase collections of menswear, womenswear and fragrances, participate in fun activities and book a physical stay at Boss House Bali.

The verdict: Hugo Boss' energetic approach to the emerging technology landscape has continually made headlines this year. However, zeroing in on so many Web3 projects requires careful effort to ensure each activation lives up to expectations.

In this case, the brand's new retail-focused destination merges entertainment and commerce, a popular route for businesses looking to expand their storytelling while maintaining profits.

What happened: Move-to-Earn app Stepn has partnered with Adidas on an NFT sneaker collection. Launched on April 17, the collection includes 1,000 pieces, featuring Stepns' lightning bolt logo alongside Adidas' iconic three stripes. These NFT sneakers were available for purchase on Stepns-affiliated NFT marketplace Mooar. Each pair is created on the Solana blockchain, guaranteeing the uniqueness of its owner.

The verdict: The Genesis collection marks the first in a series of co-branded activities between Stepn and Adidas. Both are expected to release additional physical and digital items over the next year.

Web3 sneaker startups like Stepn are leaning on industry conglomerates for financial backing and access to greater resources after a tumultuous few years for crypto and Web3.

“In line with its own Web3 roadmap, Adidas is investing heavily in emerging creators and brands in the ecosystem while introducing its loyal customers to nascent models such as move-to-earn, a concept that leverages the industry well-being of 1,500 billion dollars.




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