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5 times he dressed like his famous friends

5 times he dressed like his famous friends


Brad Pitt and Ines de Ramon seem to be on the spot same page with most things these days, including their wardrobe.

They were the first bound in November 2022 but they had been seeing each other for a few months at that point. And they were recently spotted taking a stroll on the beach in Santa Barbara, California on April 29.

Pitt, 60, was seen wrapping his arm around Ramon, 31, as they walked along the beach with a furry companion. Both wore white linen outfits.


“Brad's habit of adopting his romantic partner's style is actually a pretty common occurrence,” Alessandra Conti, a celebrity matchmaker, told Fox News Digital.

From his marriages to Jennifer Aniston And Angelina Jolie to his relations with Gwyneth Paltrow And Christine ApplegatePitt seems to be following a pattern.


But, according to Conti, this behavior is not unusual for couples.

“Couples who spend a lot of time together tend to look the same,” she said. Mirroring is a concept in which two people adopt similar facial expressions and body language when they are consistently together; all this happens unconsciously.


“Couples like Brad and his wife of the moment will also share a similar lifestyle when dating. This includes diet, sleeping habits, and even exercise routines. Actors also tend to be high on the empathy scale, so it makes sense that he would adapt to his partner, her likes and dislikes, and adopt them as his own. His high level of empathy makes him the superstar that. he is and a chameleon as a partner.

Here's a look at five times Pitt mirrored his love interests.

Brad Pitt and Christina Applegate in 1989Brad Pitt and Christina Applegate in 1989

Brad Pitt and Christina Applegate briefly dated in 1989.

Christina Applegate and Pitt briefly dated in 1989.

Although their romance was short-lived, they certainly made a good-looking and well-coordinated couple.

During an appearance at the MTV Video Music Awards, the duo coordinated their outfits to a T. From Pitt's black blazer and floral vest to Appleagate's feathered blonde hair, the pair was a sight for sore eyes. In other words, until Applegate I gave up acting for another man that same evening.

Brad Pitt and Christina ApplegateBrad Pitt and Christina Applegate

Brad Pitt and Christina Applegate appeared to coordinate their looks at the MTV Video Music Awards.

During an episode of Bravo's “Watch What Happens Live” in 2015, Applegate confirmed the story but did not reveal the man's identity.

Brad Pitt and Juliette LewisBrad Pitt and Juliette Lewis

Brad Pitt and actress Juliette Lewis dated for four years in the early '90s.

Juliette Lewis and Pitt, who starred alongside each other in “Too Young to Die” and “Kalifornia,” dated between late 1989 and 1993.

While attending the premiere of “A River Runs Through It” in New York on October 8, 1991, the duo hit it off perfectly. From their facial expressions to their golden middle-parted hairstyles, the mirror was perfect.


A few years after Pitt and Lewis called it quits, the actor said he still loved his ex.

“I still love this woman,” he told Vanity Fair. “There's a real genius in that. I had a great time with her. It was one of the greatest relationships I've ever had. The problem is that we grow up with this view that love conquers all, and that’s just not the case, is it?”

Brad Pitt and Gwyneth PaltrowBrad Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow

Brad Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow got engaged in 1996 before separating the following year.

Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow made a perfect couple. The two got engaged in 1996 before splitting in June 1997.

When “The Devil's Own” premiered in 1997, they couldn't have mirrored each other better.

“When people spend a lot of time together, they often imitate each other's behaviors, expressions and even mannerisms,” said Damona Hoffman, author of the book “F the Fairy Tale: Rewrite the Dating Myths and Live Your Own Love Story.” at Fox. Digital News.

“This phenomenon, known as behavioral mimicry, can extend to physical appearance over time. Couples may adopt similar hairstyles, clothing styles, or even expressions and mannerisms without consciously intending to do so, and This seems to have happened many times over the years with Brad Pitt.

Jennifer Aniston and Brad PittJennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt

Jennifer Aniston and Brad were married from 2000 to 2005.

Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were the epitome of the “it” couple in the early 2000s.

From their laid-back California-style vibes to their equally sophisticated red carpet appearances, these two were definitely on the same page until they weren't.

After nearly five years of marriage, the couple announced their divorce in January 2005.


Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston at the 1999 Emmy AwardsBrad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston at the 1999 Emmy Awards

Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston shared a similar style when they attended the Emmys in 1999.

“We would like to announce that after seven years together, we have decided to officially separate,” the two men said in a statement to People magazine. “For those who follow these kinds of things, we would like to explain that our separation is not the result of any of the speculation reported by the tabloid media. This decision is the result of careful consideration. We remain happy and engaged and attentive with great love and admiration for each other. We ask in advance for your kindness and sensitivity in the months to come.

Angelina Jolie and Brad PittAngelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt share six children together.

Angelina Jolie and Pitt, who met while filming “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” in 2003, were together for nearly 12 years before splitting in 2016.

Throughout their relationship, the duo, who share six children, shared many similar looks and interests, including their French wine estate which they purchased in 2008.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt attend a premiereAngelina Jolie and Brad Pitt attend a premiere

Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Pitt in 2016.

“Couples who spend a lot of time together often share environments, routines, social circles and habits,” Hoffman said. “Brad might find a connection when he's thrust into a different world with a different ex. He develops new interests and relationships that disappear from his life when the ex does too.”

Now that the marriage is dissolved, the exes are in a difficult situation. legal battle on the property of their winery, Château Miraval.

Original article source: Brad Pitt and Ines de Ramon Dress Alike on Romantic Beach Walk: 5 Times He Dressed Like His Famous Girlfriends




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