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Justin and Hailey Bieber continue to wear mismatched (but equally stylish) outfits for the weekend in New York

Justin and Hailey Bieber continue to wear mismatched (but equally stylish) outfits for the weekend in New York


Justin and Hailey Bieber enjoyed a date night in New York on Saturday, with the pregnant model showing off her curves in a black lace jumpsuit. WavyPeter /

The Biebers always make noise wherever they go.

And this weekend, Justin and Hailey Bieber, who are expecting their first child together, took New York by storm with a series of stylish but mostly mismatched looks.

The “Baby” singer, 30, and his wife, 27, started things off in sartorial sync over lunch at Sadelle on Saturday, with Hailey opting for simple black separates accented with a green Bottega Veneta basket bag (9,800 $), Gucci sunglasses ($420). ) And Sandy Liang ballerinas ($550).

The couple enjoyed a low-key lunch in casual outfits on Saturday afternoon.
Justin wore a brown and navy polo shirt with khakis, while Hailey opted for a flowy all-black look. BrosNYC / BACKGROUND

Justin also kept things simple, sporting a brown and navy polo shirt and khaki pants with a backwards green baseball cap for today's date.

Later in the day, the mom-to-be showed off her baby bump in a bold, lacy Alessandra Rich jumpsuit and leather trench coat. Big Apple heat wave be damned! Paired with Saint Laurent pumps, a Ferragamo handbag and her Heaven Mayhem earrings ($100), her viral Rhode phone case clutched in one hand.

The “Baby” singer wore Mary Janes with baggy designer shorts and a sweater, looking more casual than his wife. GC Images
The model braved the New York heatwave in a leather trench coat. GC Images

Justin seemed dressed for an entirely different destination, wearing Willy Chavarria pleated knit shorts ($460) with a beige knit sweater, velor trucker hat, and Mary Jane-style shoes with socks.

He kept the vibe quirky but comfortable Sunday, heading to Bar Pitti and a solo Yankees game in a Ouer Studio bubble shirt ($525) and loose denim shorts. He accessorized colorfully, with orange sunglasses, a Balenciaga hat and the same socks and Mary Janes from Saturday.

Before meeting up with his wife later in the day, the Biebs donned a denim puffer jacket, a white tank top, baggy black shorts and blue sunglasses. He even swapped his comfortable shoes for a pair of Drew House Slippers ($20).

On Sunday morning, Justin went out alone in a bubble shirt and denim shorts. GC Images
He then changed into a denim puffer jacket and hotel slippers to meet Hailey. GC Images
The model and her husband headed to her pop-up store in Rhode together on Sunday evening.
Hailey chose an all-beige look, layering a boxy blazer over a bodycon LaQuan Smith dress.

The couple, who renewed their vows in Hawaii earlier this year before announcing Hailey's pregnancy, made an appearance at the Rhode pop-up in Soho, where the model is selling her latest release: a blush in six vibrant shades and colorful phone cases to match.

Despite the vibrant additions to her skincare brand, Hailey opted for another monochrome moment, sporting a sheer beige LaQuan Smith dress that accentuated her midriff. She added a matching blazer, slingback pumps and a Courrges bag to her professional outfit, mingling with friends and influencers inside the store.

But mom and dad didn't stop there: they had dinner to cap off a long weekend in New York, with Hailey looking radiant in silk satin. Phoebe Philo turtleneck dress ($2,300) and consideration square toe pumps ($1,200) while Justin sticks to his casual denim and shorts combo.

While Justin remained in his second haircut of the day, Hailey donned a silk dress for their night out. starthestar /
The mom-to-be looked stunning as she cradled her baby bump in the asymmetrical mini. WavyPeter /
The Rhode founder has previously joked about the difference between her high-end fashion sense and her husband's more casual style.

While the couple has made headlines several times in the past for their mismatched outfits, Justin favors hoodies and sweatshirts, while Hailey wears dresses and heels, the beauty founder has defended their distinct senses of style.

It's so funny because I see so many people talking about this, she recently told GQwho noted that the duo often looks like they're attending events on two separate planets.

She continued, he might want to wear baggy sweats to dinner, and I might want to wear a tiny dress just because that's how I feel. We can't sit there and say, so I'll wear This and you will wear This.

Fans will have to wait and see who claims the right to dress baby Bieber.




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