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Keep me in jail but release all PTI workers, says incarcerated Imran Khan

Keep me in jail but release all PTI workers, says incarcerated Imran Khan


PTI founder Imran Khan after his appearance at the Lahore High Court on March 17, 2023. AFP

RAWALPINDI: As a mark of sacrifice and goodwill, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan on Tuesday requested authorities to keep him in jail but release all his party leaders and workers from jails .

The former prime minister made the remarks while speaking to reporters at Adiala jail in Rawalpindi.

Khan demanded a new investigation into US Deputy Secretary of State Donald Lus' statement denying the “encrypted conspiracy” that the US engineered his ouster from power by supporting the no-confidence vote. opposition of the time in April 2022.

Testifying before a congressional panel last week, America's top diplomat said: I want to be very clear on this point. [that] this conspiracy theory is a lie [and] this is a complete lie.

Khan denied reports that the US envoy met him in prison. He said he would speak to the U.S. envoy about Lu's statement and the U.S. embassy's alleged role in the encryption if he met with him.

The original copy of the figure is at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we have only received a paraphrased copy. [of the document]the former prime minister said, referring to allegations that he misplaced the classified encrypted document he received as prime minister.

The PTI founder said a prime minister is not the security guard of his office; instead, there are security protocols for the Prime Minister's Office.

Khan also called for the creation of a separate judicial commission to investigate the May 9 incidents and the February 8 elections.

A political party is being eliminated under the pretext of the events of May 9, he added.

The former prime minister said presidential and senatorial elections had no value after rigged elections.

During a hearing titled Pakistan After the Election: Examining the Future of Democracy in Pakistan and U.S.-Pakistan Relations last week, the U.S. Deputy Secretary, as a key witness, stated: “At no time [cipher] accuse the United States government or me personally of taking action against Imran Khan.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan has termed Donald Lu's statement on encryption as a lie and demanded reopening of an investigation into the controversy.

Reacting to the US deputy secretary of state's testimony before a congressional panel, PTI Chairman Gohar Ali Khan's lawyer on March 21 called Lu's statement on encryption a lie and demanded the reopening of the investigation into the controversy.

The encryption controversy first emerged on March 27, 2022, when Khan, less than a month before his ouster in April 2022, while addressing a public gathering, held up a letter in front of the crowd , claiming it was a figure from a foreign nation that had conspired with his country. political rivals to topple the PTI government.

He did not reveal the contents of the letter or mention the name of the nation from which it came. But days later, he accused the United States of conspiring against him and alleged that Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu had called for his removal .

The code was sent by Asad Majeed, then Pakistan's ambassador to the United States.

Powerful will be responsible if anything happens to Imran Khan

PTI Chairman Gohar said the life of the party's founding president Khan, who remains incarcerated in Rawalpindis Adiala jail, is in danger and if anything happens, “powerful people” will be held responsible.

The people in power will be responsible for [any harm] to the lives of PTI founders, Gohar said while speaking to the media after a meeting with the former prime minister in jail.

Referring to Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Rana Sanaullah's past remarks, Gohar said the former interior minister had said that either Imran Khan will stay or we will stay.

He said the party had also filed complaints against Sanaullah in Karachi.

Sharing details of his meeting with the PTI founder president, Barrister Gohar said they discussed the Senate elections and the name of Zulfi Bukhari was finalized.

Allama Nasir Abbas will be the candidate for the Punjab seat in the upper house of parliament in case there is any objection on Bukhari's name, he added.

He further said that the names of Faiz Rehman and Shafqat Ayaz have been finalized for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) seats, Azam Swati for Technocrats seat.

Speaking about the ongoing trial of the PTI founder in the 190 million case, Gohar said the cross-examination of the seventh witness was underway, who admitted in court that Khan did not benefit and that the state had not been harmed by the agreement.

Gohar said the PTI was trying to stake its mandate and would launch a special election campaign for by-elections to 12 seats in Punjab and three seats in KP.




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