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Failure to improve Britain would be catastrophic, admits Wes Streeting, like Starmer…

Failure to improve Britain would be catastrophic, admits Wes Streeting, like Starmer…


March 28, 2024, 6:36 p.m. | Updated: March 28, 2024, 6:53 p.m.

Starmer pledged to resurrect Boris Johnson's 'levelling up' policy

Starmer has pledged to resurrect Boris Johnson's 'levelling up' policy.

Photo: Getty/Alamy/LBC

A failure to level up Britain would be “catastrophic” for the Labor Party, Wes Streeting has told LBC, after Keir Starmer pledged to resurrect Boris Johnson's key policy.

Speaking to LBC's Andrew Marr, the shadow health secretary said: “We have already seen how catastrophic this has been for the Conservative Party.

“The fundamental problem for Rishi Sunak is that when he came in after the disastrous leadership of Liz Truss, he made five key commitments to the country and he failed to deliver on them.

“Ultimately, that's how the British people will judge it. For Labor, leveling up is a Labor goal that cannot be achieved by Conservative means.”

Pressed by Andrew on how Labor would fund this program, Streeting promised his party would do it through a combination of investment reform, reworking the way the government spends money and private sector investment.

Earlier today, Sir Keir Starmer pledged to give more powers to regional authorities under a Labor government, saying “levelling up doesn't happen by magic”.

Failing to improve Britain would be 'catastrophic' for Labour, Wes Streeting tells LBC

The Labor leader said he wanted the new powers to be used to create wealth outside of London, the south east and big cities, echoing one of Boris Johnson's key pledges.

“Devolution is absolutely essential to tackling regional inequality,” he said in a speech in Dudley at the launch of Labour's local election campaign.

“Leveling up doesn’t happen by magic, but the energy and dynamism must always come from the place itself,” he said, promising a “full-fledged approach to decentralization.”

Learn more: Leveling up doesn't happen by magic: decentralization is key to tackling inequality, says Keir Starmer

Learn more: Keir Starmer has 'full confidence' in Angela Rayner amid row over house sale

Sir Keir said Labor would launch a new industrial strategy that would create 650,000 jobs to “rekindle the fires of renewal in communities” like Dudley.

Some of these would be car factory “gigafactories” in the Midlands, “clean steel” in Sheffield and ports to support the “offshore boom in the north”.

Sir Keir said only 10% of the money earmarked for upgrading projects had been allocated so far and promised to release more.

Keir Starmer promises to 'level up Britain'

Keir Starmer pledges to “make Britain better”.

Photo: Getty

But he would not be interested in new money from local authorities, saying there was no “magic money tree” as the Tories had “broken the economy”.

He said: “I can't pretend that we can turn on the taps, pretend that the economy hasn't suffered damage, that's true. The way out of this is to grow our economy.”

He said the Conservatives had not made the “hardest effort” to move to the next level. “It’s about people who have skin in the game and playing their role fully, but alongside a national strategy that works.

“It's a difficult undertaking. And my frustration over the last 14 years, but particularly since 2019, is that by announcing a leveling up, the government was exploiting something real that people aspired to, but it was not had no viable plan.

“And they didn't do the hard work. That's unforgivable.”

Leveling up was a key part of Boris Johnson's promise

Leveling up was a key part of Boris Johnson's promise.

Photo: Alamy

“And we intend to turn this around and make sure that we can make that connection real and change places across the Black Country.”

Sir Keir said he hoped to have launched a general election campaign for a vote in May, but said Rishi Sunak had “bottled” him.

“He wants to do one last long summer tour with his beloved helicopter,” he said. “We must therefore send him another message, show once again to his party that his time is up, that the procrastination must stop, that a date must be set.




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