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Erdogan's rival comes out on top in Turkish elections in Istanbul

Erdogan's rival comes out on top in Turkish elections in Istanbul


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Anadolu Agency | Anadolu Agency | Getty Images

Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu faced an opponent from President Tayyip Erdogan's AK Party in local elections on Sunday, according to an initial tally, in what could provide a boost to Turkish opposition efforts to reassert itself in as a political force.

In another blow to Erdogan, in Ankara, the country's second largest city, opposition incumbent Mayor Mansur Yavas declared victory over his AK Party (AKP) opponent less than three hours after the closing of the national municipal elections.

The national local elections are seen by analysts as an indicator of both Erdogan's support and the durability of the opposition.

Erdogan, who ruled Turkey for more than two decades, led a fierce campaign for his party to regain control of Istanbul from his rival Imamoglu, the outgoing mayor and potential future presidential challenger.

Violence broke out in some cities in eastern Turkey during the election of neighborhood leaders, who were competing alongside mayors and other municipal officials, and three people were reportedly killed.

According to official results based on 41.43% of open ballots, Imamoglu received 50% support, compared to 41.26% for AK Party (AKP) challenger Murat Kurum, a former minister in Erdogan's national government.

“Based on the data we collected, I can say that the favor and trust our citizens place in us has indeed been demonstrated,” Imamoglu said.

“We really like the current picture,” he added.

State-run Anadolu Agency also released partial official tallies showing the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) leading in major cities like Izmir, Bursa, Antalya and Adana.

After winning the 2019 vote, the CHP's Imamoglu dealt Erdogan and his AKP the biggest electoral blow of his two decades in power. The president fought back in 2023 by winning re-election and a parliamentary majority with his nationalist allies.

According to partial results, the CHP is in the lead nationally with nearly 39% of the votes, a first in 35 years.

The rise of Imamoglu

Analysts say the AKP's poor performance on Sunday could weaken Erdogan's control over Turkey and signal a potential shift in the divided political landscape of the major emerging economy. A victory for Imamoglu would also fuel hopes of him becoming a future national leader.

“Imamoglu is doing well and doing what he must as mayor, but he is not comparable to Erdogan,” Omer, a retired AKP voter, said on Sunday. At the same time, a jubilant crowd chanted the president's name as he left a polling station in Istanbul.

Elsewhere in Istanbul, Europe's largest city with more than 16 million people, engineer Murat Ercan said he disapproved of Erdogan's active role in campaigning for his party ahead of the election, saying the president had to be impartial.

“Ekrem Imamoglu is the kind of president we want, with his constructive and smiling nature, who welcomes everyone,” Ercan, 60, said after voting.

In one incident in the southeast, groups clashed with guns, sticks and stones, killing one person and injuring 11 others. In another incident, a muhtar candidate was killed and four people injured in a scuffle, the official Anadolu news agency reported.

He also said 16 people were injured in a clash in Sanliurfa, while a muhtar was stabbed in Afyonkarahisar in the west. Demiroren separately reported that one person was shot dead and two injured overnight in Bursa.

Kurdish and Islamic voters

In Istanbul, which is the engine of Turkey's economy, polls suggest a close race between Imamoglu and Kurum.

Analysts say the early results likely partly reflect economic strains caused by inflation near 70 percent, with discontent among Kurdish and Islamist voters weighing on the AKP's performance.

If Erdogan's main objective is Istanbul, he also seeks to reconquer the capital Ankara. Both cities were won by the opposition in 2019 after being under the rule of its AKP and Islamist predecessors for 25 years.

Early results suggest Erdogan's prospects have been little improved by the collapse of the opposition alliance he defeated last year. Imamoglu, an affable former businessman, still appeals to voters beyond his secular CHP's base.

Voters from the main pro-Kurdish party played a crucial role in Imamoglu's success in 2019. Their DEM party this time fielded its own candidate in Istanbul, but many Kurds were expected to set aside their loyalty to the party and vote for it again.

In the Kurdish-majority southeast, the DEM sought to reassert its strength after the state replaced pro-Kurdish mayors with state-appointed “administrators” following previous elections due to ties allegedly with militants.

“I want the guardianship system to end. This election is important for the future of Turkey and for listening to us: the Kurds are always decisive,” said civil servant Elif Durgun, 32.

One of the factors working against Erdogan is the increase in support for the Islamist New Welfare Party, due to its hardline stance against Israel in the Gaza conflict and its dissatisfaction with the management of the economy by the AKP, of Islamist origin.




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