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PM Modi makes big announcement on Kashmir: “J&K will get status…”

PM Modi makes big announcement on Kashmir: “J&K will get status…”


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday (April 12) said that parliamentary elections in Jammu and Kashmir would be held soon, along with the restoration of the state.

This important statement comes ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, which are scheduled to begin on April 19.

Addressing an election rally in Jammu and Kashmir's Udhampur, the Prime Minister said “he envisions a wonderful image of the new Jammu and Kashmir.”

Modi thinks far away. So what has happened so far is just the trailer. I must take care of creating a new and wonderful image of the new Jammu and Kashmir. The time is not far when the parliamentary elections will be held in Jammu and Kashmir. Jammu and Kashmir will get statehood. You will be able to share your dreams with your MP and your ministers,” the Prime Minister said.

Prime Minister Modi said the upcoming Lok Sabha polls would be held in Jammu and Kashmir without fear of terrorism, strikes, stone-pelting and cross-border firing.

After decades, these elections are taking place without fear of terrorism, separatism, stone throwing, strikes and cross-border terrorism, which are no longer electoral issues. There were once concerns about the safety of Vaishno Devi and Amarnath pilgrimages, but the situation (security) has completely changed. Jammu and Kashmir is witnessing development and people's confidence in the government is growing,” he said.

The Prime Minister also criticized the Congress and the Indian alliance, saying that they do not care about the sentiments of the majority of people in the country and only like to play with these sentiments.

Addressing the Udhampur rally, PM Modi slammed those out on bail for visiting houses of convicted criminals, cooking mutton during Sawan and sharing videos, comparing their actions to Mughal assault on temples .

A person who has been convicted by the court and is out on bail, visits the house of such a criminal and likes to cook mutton in the month of Sawan and makes a video of it to tease the people of the country. The law does not prohibit anyone from eating anything, but the intentions of these people are quite different. When the Mughals attacked here, they were not satisfied until they demolished the temples. So just like the Mughals, they want to tease the people of the country by showing the video in the month of Sawan,” PM Modi said.

Read also: Lok Sabha Election 2024 Dates Announced: Jammu and Kashmir to Vote in Five Phases, Results on June 4 | Full schedule

Denying Congress's claims that Ram Mandir is an election issue for the BJP, PM Modi said it has never been an election issue. The struggle for the Ram temple was going on even before the birth of the BJP. When foreign invaders destroyed our temples, Indians fought to save their places of worship. Leaders of the Congress and its allies lived in big bungalows but when it came to changing Ram Lalla’s tent, they turned their backs,” he said.

Jammu and Kashmir Lok Sabha Elections Date

The Lok Sabha elections in Jammu and Kashmir will be held in five phases. The five Lok Sabha seats that will go to polls in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections in five phases are: Baramulla, Srinagar, Anantnag-Rajouri, Udhampur and Jammu.

Udhampur will go to polls on April 19. The Congress fielded Choudhary Lal Singh and the Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP) nominated GM Saroori for the seat.

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Published: April 12, 2024, 12:09 PM IST




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