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Donald Trump rally draws thousands to Schnecksville

Donald Trump rally draws thousands to Schnecksville


MORE: Donald Trump at Lehigh Valley rally says democracy is at stake in 2024 election

The long line stretched well beyond the gate to enter the Schnecksville Fire Company fairgrounds.

Supporters of former President Donald Trump did not hesitate to brave the elements Saturday, the cold, the wind and sometimes the rain to show their support for Trump, who lost the 2020 election to Democrat Joe Biden, but who is once again the presumptive nominee on the Republican side ahead of the November election.

In addition to Lehigh Valley residents, attendees included New Jersey, New York and Illinois. Some arrived before sunrise Saturday to wait for the gate to open around 3 p.m.

Judy Pezzuto of Bushkill Township and Susan Maxwell of Effort, Monroe County, said they were the first to arrive around 5 a.m. Both women said they supported Trump in part for his support of small businesses. Maxwell also said the tax cuts signed by Trump have helped his small business.

If we don’t get a new president, we’ll all be broke,” Pezzuto said, pointing to the economy under Biden’s leadership. “Inflation is so out of control; we can't do this anymore.

Heather and Joe Marsello of Schnecksville were among those in line. Heather Marsello wore a dark sweatshirt emblazoned with Biden's name in pink block letters. The rest of the hoodie portrayed the outgoing president as 1-star, very bad and not recommended.

The couple said they came because having a major candidate like Trump visit their rural community in northern Lehigh County was a unique experience. Although they only traveled about 1 kilometer from their home, they had to queue to enter the fairground which stretched for 1 to 2 kilometers.

Donald Trump at Lehigh Valley rally says democracy is at stake in 2024 election

I'm not a typical Republican, but I am a Trumper, said Heather Marsello, who celebrated her 51st birthday Saturday by attending the rally. I'm a Trumplican, not a Republican.

Her husband, Joe, said he loves Trump because he doesn't back down. When he was in that position, countries respected him, and I don't think they respect us today.

On the campaign trail this election cycle, Trump has pledged to roll back environmental regulations, increase expulsions and border arrests, and pardon those imprisoned for their involvement in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot .

Fernando Lima of Newark, New Jersey, agrees with Trump's stance on immigration. He said he came to the United States from Brazil years ago and became a legal U.S. citizen, and that he supports Trump's position to keep U.S. borders closed to illegal entry.

I don't want this to be wasted on leftists, he said of current immigration policy. I don't like the way they are opening the border.

Stephen Toth of Macungie was one of several vendors selling Trump memorabilia Saturday. Toth, owner of Physical Graffi-tee's in Allentown, was south of the fairgrounds along Route 309.

I am a Trump supporter because of the economy, gas, border and we have no respect for Joe Biden in the whole world, Toth said.

Earlier Saturday, several people at the Burger King along Route 309, where the marquee invited the former president to stop by, said they supported Trump's policies.

Ryan Pietkiewicz of Allentown, who was dining with his mother, Caroline, at Burger King before the rally, expressed the feelings of many people.

He said he wants Trump to return to the presidency so the country can get back on track.

I hope he kicks some ass, Pietkiewicz said. When asked if he meant the rally or the election, he said both.

A Burger King manager, who said he was not authorized to give his name but stressed he was nonpartisan, thought it would be a playful prank to potentially lure Trump into putting a message on the restaurant's sign asking him to “stop for a Whopper on us.”

The manager said the restaurant owner agreed to put up the sign and that former Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf once stopped by and purchased the signature Whopper sandwich.

Donald Trump rally in Lehigh Valley, live updates: Speakers take stage as thousands line up to see former president

If Joe Biden were to pass by there, he would have the same type of sign, the official said.

No protesters could be seen inside or outside the fairgrounds, and state police spokesman Trooper Nathan Branosky said there had been no disturbance Saturday evening.

Along Route 309 in neighboring South Whitehall Township, siblings Ken and Kelly Dando stood side by side, Kelly holding a handmade sign inviting people to a Traitors for Trump convention.

I consider him a traitor, she said of Trump's lies about the 2020 election and his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

His brother called Trump horrible for democracy and an embarrassment.

He made us the laughing stock of the whole world, and I think it would be terrible for the country if he came back, Ken Dando said, while waving a Palestinian flag in support of the ceasefire and in protest against destruction in Gaza. which was at the center of the war between Israel and Hamas.

Saturday's rally was Trump's first of the year in the Lehigh Valley, which is expected to be an area of ​​focus for both presidential campaigns as they vie for Pennsylvania, which could deliver the deciding votes in the election.

Biden visited the Lehigh Valley in January, touting his economic initiatives to small business owners in Emmaus and firefighters in Allentown. Biden plans to return to the state Tuesday through Thursday with visits to Scranton, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.

Trump visited the Lehigh Valley twice before the 2020 election. In Lehigh County, Biden beat Trump by about 10,000 votes in 2020 out of more than 185,000 votes cast, according to the results. Biden won the state by about 80,000 votes. A Franklin & Marshall College poll in early April showed Biden leading Trump in the 2024 race, but other polls show the two men in a close fight.

Morning Call reporter Anthony Salamone can be reached at [email protected].




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