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President Erdoan's intense diplomatic traffic

President Erdoan's intense diplomatic traffic


ANKARA (IGFA) President Recep Tayyip Erdoan met with numerous leaders during the Eid al-Fitr week, including Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, Iranian President Ibrahim Reisi and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

President Erdoan conducted intense diplomacy during the holiday week. Gaza was the main agenda item of the meetings, during which bilateral relations and regional and global issues were discussed.

During his meeting with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, President Erdoan expressed his determination to strengthen relations between the two countries in all fields and wished God's mercy to those who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks in Pakistan.

President Erdogan, after discussing bilateral relations during his telephone conversation with Malaysian Prime Minister Enver Ibrahim, stressed that efforts to support Palestine must continue with determination.

President Erdoan also met with the national leader and head of public affairs of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguli Berdimuhamedov. During the telephone conversation during which relations between Turkey and Turkmenistan as well as regional and global issues were discussed, President Erdoan said that Turkmenistan's growing interest in the Organization of Turkic States was gratifying.


During the telephone conversation between President Erdoan and Algerian President Abdlmecid Tebbun, relations between the two countries, regional and global issues were discussed.

President Erdoan said Turkey is ready to intensify joint efforts with Algeria to establish a permanent ceasefire between Israel and Palestine, the uninterrupted delivery of humanitarian aid to the region and a fair solution on the basis of two states.

During President Erdoan's telephone conversation with President of Kazakhstan Kasm Cmert Tokayev, regional and global issues as well as bilateral relations were discussed. President Erdoan shared his sadness over the catastrophic floods in Kazakhstan and said Turkey was ready to help.

He spoke on the phone with Nigerian President Tinubu

During President Erdoan's telephone conversation with Nigerian President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, bilateral relations as well as regional and global issues were discussed. During the meeting, President Erdoan said developments in the Sahel region were being closely monitored and Turkey would continue to share its experience, capabilities and opportunities in the defense industry with Nigeria.

During President Erdoan's meeting with Iranian President Ibrahim Reisi, bilateral relations as well as regional and global issues were discussed.


Another leader President Erdoan spoke with on the phone was Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. During the meeting, President Erdoan expressed his determination to ensure that steps are taken to further deepen bilateral relations.

During President Erdoan's telephone conversation with Iraqi President Abdullatif Rashid, Turkey-Iraq relations, the fight against terrorism, the development path project and regional issues were discussed.

President Erdoan also had a telephone conversation with Pakistani Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif.

During the meeting, in which Turkey-Pakistan bilateral relations and global issues were discussed, President Erdoan expressed his condolences to those who lost their lives in the recent terrorist attacks in Pakistan and their relatives.

The main item on the agenda of President Erdogan's telephone conversation with the Sultan of Oman, Haytham bin Tariq, was the Israeli attacks on Gaza. President Erdoan stressed the importance of continuing efforts to end Israeli attacks on Palestinian lands and sending emergency humanitarian aid to the region to the desired extent, as well as for the Islamic world to take measures united on this issue.

During President Recep Tayyip Erdoan's telephone conversation with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, regional and global issues as well as bilateral relations were discussed.

During President Erdoan's telephone conversation with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, bilateral relations between Turkey and Saudi Arabia as well as global and regional issues were discussed. During the meeting, President Erdoan said that the Islamic world must demonstrate unity in a productive manner in order to end Israeli attacks on Palestine as soon as possible and implement the ceasefire decision. fire of the United Nations Security Council.


Indonesian President Joko Widodo was among the leaders President Erdoan met during Eid week. During the meeting in which Turkey-Indonesia relations were discussed, President Erdoan hoped that the presidential and general elections would be beneficial for the Indonesian people.

President Erdoan said he hopes the momentum gained during the two countries' relations with Widodo will continue with his successor, Subianto. President Erdoan also stressed the need to intensify efforts to combat global challenges facing the Islamic world, particularly the Palestinian cause.

During President Erdoan's telephone conversation with Indonesian President-elect Prabowo Subianto, relations between the two countries and global developments were discussed. Congratulating Subianto on his election victory, President Erdoan said the deep-rooted relations will further develop in the new period; He expressed his hope that cooperation between the two countries in all fields will develop within the framework of mutual trust.

President Erdoan also said that it is important to continue joining forces with Indonesia on all issues concerning the Palestinian cause and the Islamic world.


In his telephone conversation with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, President Recep Tayyip Erdoan said: “Whatever happens, we will continue to oppose Israel's barbaric attacks on Gaza, and Israel will of course pay the price for this oppression. “We must mobilize all means for a ceasefire, including the decision of the United Nations Security Council,” he said.

President Erdoan also called Hamas Politburo Chairman Ismail Haniyeh, whose three children and three grandchildren were martyred in the Israeli attack, and expressed his condolences to him. During the meeting, President Erdoan said that Israel will definitely be held accountable under the law for the crimes against humanity it has committed.


On the other hand, President Erdogan also sent a “Palestinian letter” to Pope Francis, the spiritual leader of Catholics and head of the Vatican.

In his letter, President Erdoan said that humanity should no longer allow the violation of international law and international humanitarian law in Gaza.




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