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Jokowi brings together ministers to discuss geopolitical impact after Iranian attack on Israel

Jokowi brings together ministers to discuss geopolitical impact after Iranian attack on Israel


JAKARTA, – President Joko Widodo held a limited internal meeting (ratas) at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, to discuss the geopolitical impact of the Iranian drone attack on Israel this weekend.

The ratas which took place on Tuesday (16/4/2024) was the first to take place after the Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijriah holiday.

According to Foreign Minister (Menlu) Retno Marsudi, the internal meeting discussed a number of issues regarding the situation in the Middle East.

“During the meeting, we discussed several topics related to geopolitical issues. Firstly, we are concerned about the development of the situation in the Middle East. And we are sure that escalation will not benefit anyone,” said Retno Age Ratas to journalists.

“Therefore, diplomatic efforts must be made by all parties, including Indonesia. In this regard, I carry out communications both by telephone, exchange of messages, and so on with the Iranian foreign minister, with the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, the European Union, Germany, Netherlands, as well as with the Deputy Foreign Minister of the United States (US), ” he explained.

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Retno also revealed that President Jokowi gave special instructions to his team regarding tensions between Iran and Israel.

First, President Jokowi requested that diplomatic efforts continue so that relevant parties can exercise mutual restraint to avoid further escalation.

The President warned that escalation would benefit no one.

Retno continued: Currently, each side, including Israel, Iran and other countries, has begun to calculate the impact of continued military tensions, both from an economic and geopolitical perspective.

“Each party began to calculate, in the event of an escalation, what impact it would have on each country. Oil prices, prices of other basic necessities, the dollar exchange rate, etc., and so on. suite,” Retno said.

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He also added that until now, Indonesian citizens (WNI) who are in the Middle East region are safe.

The Indonesian government continues to monitor the situation every day.

“So far, thank God, Indonesian citizens are in good condition. In the sense that they are not affected by the existing situation. We continue to monitor closely and almost every day the Ministry of Foreign Affairs holds meetings virtual meetings with Indonesian embassies in areas where there is an escalation,” he said.

“Including contingency plan we did it. So for the Indonesian Embassy, ​​this is what we have done so far. “God willing, I hope our Indonesian citizens will be healthy,” Retno added.

Tuesday's meeting was also attended by Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Coordinating Minister for Economy Airlangga Hartarto, BI Governor Perry Warjiyo and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif.




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