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Trump trial live: Conspiracy theorist dies by self-immolation as Hush Money witnesses prepare to testify

Trump trial live: Conspiracy theorist dies by self-immolation as Hush Money witnesses prepare to testify


Trump appears in court for fourth day of secret trial

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A man who set himself on fire outside the Manhattan courthouse where Donald Trump's trial is taking place has died, police said.

Maxwell Azzarello, a 37-year-old man from Florida, was pronounced dead by hospital staff, police told NBC News.

He was identified as a self-described investigative researcher who posted a conspiracy-laden manifesto online moments before the incident.

A full panel of 18 jurors was seated to hear the evidence against Donald Trump and ultimately decide his fate in New York's secret criminal trial.

After four days of jury selection, the final alternate jurors were chosen Friday from a group of Manhattan residents. As long as no other jurors withdraw or are removed from the jury, opening arguments will begin Monday.

The rest of the day included a brief hearing in Sandoval during which the prosecution asked Judge Juan Merchan whether or not they could discuss past misconduct and legal cases in which Mr. Trump, or his organization, was involved during a possible cross-examination. Judge Merchan will decide on Monday.

Key PointsView Latest Update 1713592456Man who set himself on fire outside courthouse has died, police say

The man who set himself on fire outside the Manhattan courthouse where Donald Trump's trial is taking place has died, police said.

Maxwell Azzarello, a 37-year-old man from Florida, was pronounced dead by hospital staff, police told NBC News.

Azzarello describes himself as an investigative researcher who posted a conspiracy-laden manifesto online moments before the incident.

He threw brochures into the air, including a newsletter with a link to Substack, before pouring gasoline over his body and setting himself on fire in shocking scenes.

This extreme act of protest is intended to call attention to an urgent and important discovery: we are the victims of a totalitarian scam, and our own government (along with many of its allies) is about to hit us with a blow. Global apocalyptic fascist state, he wrote. as part of a manifesto on the Substack page.

Maxwell Azzarello pictured protesting outside Donald Trump's trial at Manhattan Criminal Court a day before he self-immolated near the same location (Getty Images)

Shweta Sharma20 April 2024 06:54

1713589200Watch: Police provide update on man who set himself on fire outside Trump trial courthouse Police provide update on man who set himself on fire outside trial courthouse Trump

Ariana BaioApril 20, 2024 06:00

1713582000 Man who set himself on fire publishes conspiracy manifesto

The man who set himself on fire outside the Manhattan courthouse, where Donald Trump's trial is taking place, has now been identified as a self-described investigative researcher who posted a conspiracy-laden manifesto online a few moments before the incident.

Maxwell Azzarello, a 37-year-old from Florida, has shared a series of conspiracy theories on his social media accounts in recent months, in which he has attacked the rich and powerful and claimed that our only goal was to abolish our criminal government.

On Friday afternoon, just minutes after the final jurors were selected in the former president's criminal case, Mr. Azzarello set himself on fire in front of the Collect Pond Park courthouse.

He is now at the Weill Cornell Medicine Burn Center in Manhattan in critical condition, police said.

Less than an hour before setting himself on fire, he denounced corruption in the US government in a manifesto-style document published on Substack, seen by The Independent.

In it, Mr. Azzarello describes himself as an investigative researcher and states that the act of self-immolation was an extreme act of protest against a totalitarian scam and warned of an impending apocalyptic fascist coup.

To my friends and family, witnesses and first responders, I deeply apologize for inflicting this pain on you. But I assure you that this is only a drop in the ocean compared to what our government intends to inflict, he writes.

Katie HawkinsonApril 20, 2024 04:00

1713574833Trump lawyers say prosecutors want to distract from secret money trial

Donald Trump's lawyers told a judge overseeing the former president's secret trial Friday that Manhattan prosecutors were simply trying to distract jurors and stack the deck by introducing evidence from the string of other criminal cases and civil rights of the former president.

New York Judge Juan Merchan presided over a hearing to explain what prosecutors plan to ask of Mr. Trump if he chooses to testify at his criminal trial, including a defamation case and allegations of sexual abuse, a massive civil fraud judgment condemning him to tens of millions of dollars. dollars, felony convictions targeting his business and the dissolution of an eponymous foundation used to boost his presidential campaign.

Ariana BaioApril 20, 2024 02:00

1713571233Trump rejected last-minute request to stop secret appeals court trial

Donald Trump's request to halt his secret trial in New York was rejected Friday by an appeals court judge.

The decision came just hours after the jury of 12 and six alternates sat in the case.

Judge Marsha Michael took only a few minutes to issue her decision after a short hearing.

The former president's legal team had asked the judge to stay the case brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg while they tried to have it moved out of the borough.

Graeme MassieApril 20, 2024 01:00

1713567633Melania Trump gives rare interview highlighting unity

Melania Trump gave a rare interview to Fox News, urging the country to unite as the 2024 campaign heats up and her husband, former President Donald Trump, faces a secret trial in New York.

The former first lady has so far stayed away from the trail during the 2024 campaign, but she will attend an event at Mar-a-Lago on Saturday hosted by the LGBT+ group Log Cabin Republicans, focused on her coming out agenda of voting against gay voters in battleground states.

We must come together in our efforts to establish a society where equality is the daily experience of every American, Ms. Trump told Fox News Digital ahead of the event. Individual liberty provides a set of unifying principles and ultimately establishes our American way.

She added that when America succeeds, it flourishes and becomes a beautiful place where everyone can practice their beliefs, share new ideas and express their individualism. This is where we are at our best.

Gustav Kilander20 April 2024 00:00

1713564033Trump lawyers say prosecutors want to distract from secret trial by piling on material from other cases

Donald Trump's lawyers told a judge overseeing the former president's secret trial Friday that Manhattan prosecutors were simply trying to distract jurors and stack the deck by introducing evidence from the string of other criminal cases and civil rights of the former president.

New York Judge Juan Merchan presided over a hearing to explain what prosecutors plan to ask of Mr. Trump if he chooses to testify at his criminal trial, including a defamation case and allegations of sexual abuse, a massive civil fraud judgment condemning him to tens of millions of dollars. dollars, felony convictions targeting his business and the dissolution of an eponymous foundation used to boost his presidential campaign.

But the judge said the prosecutor's request was part of the so-called Sandoval hearing, in which a defendant with a history of misconduct or criminal acts who also plans to testify in his defense knows what he could get into.

In his civil and criminal cases, Mr. Trump's legal team has attempted to distance the former president from any allegations of wrongdoing.

Mr. Trump insisted that he had done nothing wrong and that the accusations against him were a Democratic-led election interference plot.

Judge Merchan will decide by Monday when opening arguments in the secret trial should begin on what documents prosecutors can use, if any, in an effort to undermine Mr. Trump's credibility on the stand.

Alex WoodwardApril 19, 2024 11:00 p.m.

1713561655Jinx director compares killer Robert Durst to Donald Trump

Convicted killer Robert Durst reminded The Jinx director Andrew Jarecki of someone else prone to lying: former US President Donald Trump.

Jarecki spoke to The Independent ahead of the release of The Jinx Part Two, the sequel to his hit 2015 series about the multiple murder allegations against real estate heir Durst, which is set to premiere on Max this Sunday.

Tom MurrayApril 19, 2024 10:20 p.m.

1713558756Defense warns of Trump's attack on witness on social media

Susan Necheles, Mr. Trump’s lawyer, asked for the name of at least one witness that prosecutors want to present.

Whether you get the name or not, you're not going to delay the trial. You won't, said Judge Juan Merchan.

Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass says giving Trump these names will make him targets on social media. Instead, prosecutors will present the name of a witness who could testify Monday night and if Trump talks about that person, it will be the last time they do so.

The day's work is about to end.

Alex Woodward, Ariana BaioApril 19, 2024 9:32 p.m.


Defense teams have tried to trace the motion to the Access Hollywood tape, Joshua Steinglass, a lawyer for the prosecution, says Todd Blanche, which bears an uncanny resemblance to what we debated for a half hour Monday.

There is absolutely nothing new in their argument, says Mr. Stienglass.

Trump hasn't moved at all for an hour. He leans forward with an angry look on his face and turns his head slightly to watch someone else speak.

Alex Woodward, Ariana BaioApril 19, 2024 9:30 p.m.




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