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US Ambassador Engages with PTI Leaders to Discuss Pakistan's Stability, Reforms

US Ambassador Engages with PTI Leaders to Discuss Pakistan's Stability, Reforms


On Monday, US Ambassador David Bloom met with Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Party Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan to discuss the importance of long-term reforms for Pakistan's stability and security . PTI central general secretary Omar Ayub Khan, former National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser and its central information secretary Rauf Hassan joined the party president.

After the meeting, Thomas Montgomery, acting deputy spokesperson for the US Mission in Islamabad, reiterated US support for Pakistan to work with the IMF on its reform agenda.

Montgomery's statement also highlighted the US ambassadors' emphasis on the importance of mutual interests and shared goals between the two countries, including accelerating projects under the joint Green Alliance framework to combat climate change.

The PTI issued a statement after the meeting addressing the points discussed, including the state of democracy, the rule of law in Pakistan, basic human rights and the economy.

According to the statement, topics discussed included state interference in citizens' voting rights, declarative and non-declarative restrictions on fundamental political freedoms, and illegal administrative measures against freedom of expression and communication.

The discussions also focused on the series of extra-constitutional and illegal political reprisals against hundreds of political detainees, including founding president Imran Khan, his wife, male and female leaders and workers of Tehreek-e-Insaf, the statement said .

In April 2022, Imran Khan was ousted from power after losing a vote of no confidence in his leadership.

After the dissolution of his government, Khan consistently and publicly accused the United States of intervening to overthrow his administration, alleging that American diplomat David Lew had communicated this intention via code to Pakistan's ambassador to the United States, Asad Majeed.

Washington has consistently refuted Khan's claims, saying Pakistan's no-confidence motion against Khan was an internal matter.

Meanwhile, Khan and his close associate, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, are serving prison time on charges related to, among other things, the encryption affair.

In the general elections held last February, candidates from Khan's PTI party won a historic victory despite being deprived of the use of their election symbol to identify party candidates.

The results of the general elections were considered suspicious by observers, particularly American ones.

According to reliable sources, senior PTI leaders convened a meeting with the US ambassador on Monday following their meeting with Khan, who is currently lodged in Adiala jail in Rawalpindi.

Political experts term the meeting between the US ambassador and senior PTI leaders as a significant breakthrough.




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