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Elon Musk, who owns Tesla factories in China, tweets AI video of Chinese President Xi Jinping wearing Winnie the Pooh clothes

Elon Musk, who owns Tesla factories in China, tweets AI video of Chinese President Xi Jinping wearing Winnie the Pooh clothes


Diss Respect

Tesla drives on rocky terrain in China, where sales have fallen and its availability is subject to government approval.

It is therefore surprising that Tesla CEO Elon Musk, posted an AI video who disrespects Chinese President Xi Jinping on the social media platform X—formerly Twitter—which should cause other Tesla executives with a modicum of common sense to be concerned.

With Enya's soothing song “Only Time” playing in the background, the AI ​​video shared by Musk shows a parade of world leaders walking down a fashion runway while wearing clothing that sometimes pokes fun at their history or recent news about them. For example, former President Bill Clinton appears in a blue tulle dress, a reference to the infamous blue garment of his former lover Monica Lewinsky.

But for the Chinese leader, the video cuts to his heart. Xi is wearing a trouser-like robe emblazoned with what looks like Winnie the Pooh and the acronym “CCP,” which stands for the ruling Chinese Communist Party — a serious slur in authoritarian China, where dissidents have for years used the endearing childlike figure to attack him. mocking Jinping.

Bull in a china shop

The taboo surrounding the comparison between Xi and Winnie the Pooh is so severe that a horror film featuring the character was made. removed from Hong Kong and Macau cinemas last yearwhich critics say is due to Chinese censorship.

Elon Musk tweeted the video on Sunday, so it may be too early to tell how China will react to such disrespect. But others have noticed.

Tesla Review Brad Munich tweeted about Musk's video and discussed the significant financial implications for Tesla's bottom line.

“Winnie the Pooh memes are banned in China because they are an insult to Xi Jinping, who some say resembles Winnie.” he posted“China is the place where $TSLA “America built its most profitable factory, which generated 70% of global profits in 2023. You have to be on drugs to tweet something that reckless.”

And he's right. Tesla's Shanghai factory has supplanted Tesla's Fremont, California, factory as the company's largest and most productive plant. according to The New York Times.

We can't begin to explain why Musk would shoot himself in the foot, but the behavior seems par for the course for the mercurial billionaire, who often seems drawn to conflict, even when it's clearly bad for its own interests.

Can someone tell Musk the hard truth about his online behavior and how it could impact his business? Something tells us that such brakes don't exist at Tesla.

Learn more about Elon Musk: Elon Musk destroyed after accusing top AI scientist of 'going soft'




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