China, US agree to communicate more openly
Jake Sullivan, President Biden's national security adviser, wrapped up a three-day visit to China on Thursday that appeared to have restored Washington's relationship with Beijing to an equal footing.
The trip capped a series of secret meetings that Mr. Sullivan has had in different parts of the world over the past 15 months with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. This week, he held surprise talks with Chinese leader Xi Jinping and secured a rare meeting with the top Chinese military officer.
Why we wrote this
A story centered on
President Biden's national security adviser Jake Sullivan capped 15 months of secret diplomacy this week with a trip to Beijing that appears to have put U.S.-China relations back on an even keel.
Mr. Sullivan’s contacts with senior Chinese officials have led to the opening of channels of communication in about two dozen areas, from restoring military-to-military contacts to discussions on artificial intelligence safeguards. A key priority has been establishing mechanisms to reduce the risk of misunderstandings and miscalculations between the two nuclear powers.
Neither side believes that the dialogue has resolved their fundamental differences. They must first find a good answer to the overarching question: Are China and the United States rivals or partners?, Xi said.
But the progress he has made has convinced Mr. Sullivan that, in his own words, intense diplomacy is important. We will continue to do so.
As Americans prepare to celebrate Labor Day, U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is working hard to keep America's most crucial diplomatic relationship on an equal footing.
Mr. Sullivan’s efforts paid off this week, as he made the first visit by a U.S. national security adviser to China in eight years, held surprise talks with Chinese leader Xi Jinping and secured a rare meeting with China’s top military officer, Gen. Zhang Youxia.
The three-day visit paved the way for a phone call in the coming weeks between President Joe Biden and Mr. Xi, and a possible in-person meeting later this year.
Why we wrote this
A story centered on
President Biden's national security adviser Jake Sullivan capped 15 months of secret diplomacy this week with a trip to Beijing that appears to have put U.S.-China relations back on an even keel.
“The diplomatic issues are intense,” Sullivan said at a news conference in Beijing after his visit late Thursday. His trip to Beijing capped a series of confidential meetings he has held over the past 15 months with China's top diplomat, Wang Yi.
While the US election campaign has been marked by hostility toward China among many American politicians, this quiet diplomatic effort by Washington and Beijing has succeeded in reversing the dangerous downward spiral in relations between the two world superpowers in recent years, experts say.
Mr. Sullivan’s trip reinforces the idea that engagement with China is not optional, says Susan Thornton, a retired senior U.S. diplomat and senior fellow at the Paul Tsai China Center at Yale Law School. “It’s necessary for our national security,” she says. “In fact, it benefits the United States by promoting stability in a world that seems increasingly unpredictable,” she adds.
Quiet diplomacy works
In recent years, tensions between the United States and China have escalated over Taiwan and the South China Sea, as well as trade, technology and China's support for Moscow since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. At the same time, face-to-face dialogues were hampered when China closed its borders to most foreign travelers for three years during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Biden and Xi met in Bali, Indonesia, in November 2022 to try to end the collapse of their relationship. They pledged to resume regular communications. But those efforts were disrupted by a new crisis in February 2023, when a Chinese surveillance balloon flew over the U.S. mainland and was shot down by the U.S. military.
Against this backdrop, Mr. Biden dispatched Mr. Sullivan to lead several rounds of low-profile meetings with Foreign Minister Wang, starting in May 2023. The discussions were very detailed, thorough and involved the participation of all senior U.S. and Chinese officials, Mr. Sullivan told reporters.
It paved the way for a successful summit between Biden and Xi in Woodside, California, in November 2023 and led to progress in critical areas, such as restoring military-to-military communications and launching discussions on artificial intelligence safeguards, among other topics. In total, the two sides opened about 20 channels of communication. More broadly, diplomacy reduced the risk of misunderstandings and miscalculations between the two nuclear powers. We will continue to build on this momentum, Sullivan said.
Dialogue has resumed and relations have stabilized to some extent, said Ambassador Huang Ping, China's consul general in New York. We know we cannot afford confrontation or fighting, so we must work together to manage differences, he said.
US achieves positive results in meeting with Chinese general
A significant sign of progress in military-to-military relations was Mr. Sullivan's unprecedented meeting Thursday with Gen. Zhang, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, China's top military body.
There is no substitute for sitting down with General Zhang and his team to hear their views on critical issues, whether it is cross-Strait relations or the South China Sea, Sullivan said. They agreed to hold a telephone conversation between U.S. and Chinese theater commanders, an important step in helping operational-level commanders avoid or manage conflict.
Such contacts are essential, given the proximity in which Chinese and American warplanes and warships patrol hot spots such as the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.
Ships belonging to China and the Philippines, a U.S. treaty ally, recently clashed near disputed schools of fish in the South China Sea. In Beijing, Sullivan reiterated the United States' unwavering commitment to its mutual defense treaty with the Philippines. But he also stressed that no one was looking for a crisis and encouraged direct talks between Manila and Beijing.
Zhang Youxia is a high-ranking military man in Xi Jinping's circle and [U.S. officials] “I've never met him before, so it's really important to have that first meeting,” Thornton said.
Fundamental differences remain
U.S. and Chinese officials acknowledge that ongoing talks have failed to resolve fundamental differences between them, with Xi emphasizing to Sullivan that China and the United States view their relationship differently.
The first question, he said, is to develop the right strategic perception. When the United States and China engage, they must first find the right answer to the overarching question: Are China and the United States rivals or partners?
Yet by engaging in negotiations, Washington and Beijing have made progress in managing their relations, both by avoiding misunderstandings and by anticipating potential problems before they arise.
Both sides have a history of trying to anticipate periods that might add tension and friction, says Brian Hart, a fellow at the China Power Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. For example, he says, they knew that 2024 would be a tumultuous year given the [presidential] Elections in Taiwan and the United States
Chinese leaders recognize that elections are sensitive times, Sullivan said, and Vice President Kamala Harris supports high-level communications between Washington and Beijing as a way to responsibly manage the relationship.
Experts are not sure, however, to what extent the current dialogues will continue under a possible second Trump administration. The Chinese are much more wary of dialogue and discussions with the Chinese, Thornton says. If Mr. Trump is elected, I think there will be some pressure to reduce the number of people involved in communications with China, she predicts.
One trend that is unlikely to change is the resumption of people-to-people exchanges between the United States and China. The lack of direct contact creates real problems, Ambassador Huang said. The gap in mutual understanding is so great that people need to be brought closer together.
Sources 2/ https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Asia-Pacific/2024/0830/us-china-diplomacy-biden-jake-sullivan The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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