Donald Trump says he will protect women whether they like it or not
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Donald Trump sparked another controversy over misogyny in the final days of his presidential campaign, declaring at a rally that he would protect women and would do it whether they liked it or not, thus attracting criticism. strong rebuke from Kamala Harris.
The former Republican president made the remarks at a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, on Wednesday evening, where he arrived in a garbage truck wearing a high-visibility vest to highlight a gaffe made by Joe Biden, who had appeared call the day before. Trump supporters are trash.
Trump has faced multiple accusations of sexual misconduct and was ordered this year by a judge to pay $83.3 million for defaming a woman who accused him of sexual assault. He repeatedly said during his election campaign that he would protect women if given four more years in the White House.
But on Wednesday, less than a week before the U.S. presidential election, he told protesters that his advisers had tried to stop him from using the line.
They said, 'Sir, I just think it's inappropriate for you to say that,'” Trump said. I pay these guys a lot of money; can you believe it?
I said, “Well, I'm going to do it whether the women like it or not.” I will protect them. I will protect them from the arrival of migrants. I will protect them from foreign countries that want to hit us with missiles and many other things.
Trump then asked the cheering crowd: Is there a woman in this giant stadium who would like to be unprotected? Is there a woman in this stadium who wants to be protected by the president?
Harris, Trump's Democratic opponent, jumped on those comments Thursday morning, telling reporters that they were very offensive to women in failing to understand their agency, authority, right and ability. to make decisions about their own lives.
Harris said the remarks were the latest in a series of revelations from the former president about the way he thinks about women.
The Trump campaign fired back after Mark Cuban, a billionaire entrepreneur who is campaigning for Harris, said during a television appearance that you never see Trump with strong, intelligent women.
That drew sharp rebukes from Susie Wiles, a veteran political operative and co-manager of the former president's campaign, as well as dozens of other high-profile Trump backers, including operatives and Republican lawmakers.
The Financial Times' election poll tracker shows Trump and Harris virtually tied in the seven key states likely to determine who wins the White House.
But national and state-specific polls have consistently suggested a significant gender gap, with women overwhelmingly more likely to vote for Harris and men inclined to support Trump.
A handful of high-profile Trump supporters have expressed concerns about his rhetoric on women.
Nikki Haley, Trump's former U.N. ambassador who ran against him in the Republican primary but later supported his candidacy, told Fox News before Trump's Wisconsin rally that women care about how that we talk to them about and that they care about the issues.
Harris made abortion and reproductive rights central to her pitch to voters in the latter part of the campaign, accusing Trump of being responsible for the 2022 Supreme Court decision overturning Roe vs. Wade, which had guaranteed national right to abortion, and the wave of Republicans. controlled states that have since passed increasingly strict restrictions on abortion.
Harris said Thursday: Trump is not prioritizing women's freedom and intelligence to make decisions about their own lives and bodies, and health care for all Americans is also at stake in this election.
Video: America Divided: Women Voting for Trump | FT films
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