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Donald Trump suggests sending the very stupid Liz Cheney to war, with guns pointed in her face

Donald Trump suggests sending the very stupid Liz Cheney to war, with guns pointed in her face


During a Halloween night stop on Tucker Carlson's national tour, Donald Trump joined Carlson on stage for an hour-and-a-half conversation that included many of his usual talking points, but also some striking remarks imagining Liz Cheney sent to war.

After criticizing Cheney for regularly pushing the United States to engage militarily abroad, Trump said he did not blame his father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, “for sticking with his daughter.”

“But her daughter is a very stupid person, very stupid,” Trump said of Liz Cheney, to laughter from the crowd. “She’s a radical war hawk. Let's put her there with a gun, with nine cannons shooting at her, okay? Let's see how she feels, you know, when the guns are pointed in her face.

“You know, they're all war hawks when they sit in Washington in a nice building and say, 'Oh my God, let's send 10,000 troops straight into the mouth of the enemy,'” Trump continued, in surprisingly anti-war remarks. “But he’s a stupid person.” I had meetings with a lot of people and she always wanted to go to war with people.

Trump was prompted to bring up the subject when Carlson asked Trump if he thought it was weird to have Dick Cheney's “disgusting little daughter,” Liz Cheney, supporting Harris and opposing him. Trump said he felt Cheney's support for Harris actually hurt his Democratic opponent.

“He’s a disturbed person,” Trump began. “The reason she doesn't like me is she wanted to stay in Iraq, she wants – a tough person, people are getting killed everywhere – she's really tough, isn't she? Trump said sarcastically. “They’re not tough people.”

He also remembers fondly opposing her after she voted to impeach him, leading to her being soundly defeated as she ran for re-election.

“She lost for Congress by the highest number in history,” Trump said, beaming. “There has never been a member of Congress who lost by nearly 40 points, and the reason is because if he ever found himself in that situation, he would resign.”

“The reason she couldn't stand me is because she always wanted to make war on people,” Trump continued, before launching into a race to praise peace. “I don’t want to go to war. She wanted to stay in Syria, I got them out. She wanted to stay in Iraq, I got them out. I mean, if it were up to her, we'd be in 50 different countries.

Trump highlighted the danger of wars and the number of deaths they cause, before talking more about spending. He complained that modern wars were not causing the United States to appropriate resources, such as oil, as a result of those wars.

The Republican candidate argued that Iran and Iraq once served as checks against each other, competing for territory, but after the United States attacked Iraq, they gave Iran controls the region.

Trump also criticized Dick Cheney and a former member of the Bush and Trump administrations, John Bolton, for their respective enthusiasm for war.

“I was never a fan of Cheney. I've always been very critical,” Trump said, returning once again to the $9 trillion spending to “bomb the Middle East.”

“And what did we get, other than a lot of deaths, including our own?” » asked Trump. “We have nothing.”

The conversation also included Trump specifically targeting Hillary Clinton and, of course, Kamala Harris. He compared the two, praising Clinton's intelligence while continuing to assert that Harris is not an intelligent person.

“Hillary Clinton, who is a smart woman, much smarter than Kamala, but she doesn't lie as much,” Trump said. “Hillary was a liar, a horrible scoundrel. But this one lies so much. And he's a low IQ person. She doesn't even know she's lying, I tell you. This is not what you want for your president.

He continued, also calling on Joe Biden for an attack. “He is a person with a very low IQ. She’s stupid as a rock, and you can’t have that, you can’t have that,” Trump said. “We love our country too much. You can't have it. We’ve just been through this for four years, we can’t have any more, a country can’t take that much.”

Trump has provided no evidence to support his insults about his rivals' intelligence.

You can watch Tucker Carlson's full interview with Donald Trump in the video above.

Article Donald Trump suggests sending 'very stupid' Liz Cheney into war, with 'guns pointed in her face' | The video appeared first on TheWrap.




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