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Trump picks North Dakota Gov. Burgum to lead Interior Department, new energy council

Trump picks North Dakota Gov. Burgum to lead Interior Department, new energy council


WASHINGTON (AP) President-elect Donald Trump announced Friday that North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, Trump's pick to lead the Interior Department, will also lead a newly created National Energy Council that will seek to establish the energy domination of the United States in the world.

Burgum, in his new role, will oversee a panel of all executive branch agencies involved in energy permitting, production, distribution, regulation and transportation, Trump said in a statement. As chairman of the National Energy Council, Burgum will have a seat on the National Security Council, Trump said.

This Council will oversee the path to U.S. ENERGY DOMINATION by cutting red tape, strengthening private sector investment in all sectors of the economy, and focusing on INNOVATION over long-standing regulation , but totally unnecessary,” Trump wrote.

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The Republican president-elect accused the radical left of engaging in a war on American energy, in the name of fighting climate change. His policy of energy dominance, which he also adopted during his first term, will allow the United States to sell oil, gas and other forms of energy to its European allies, making the world safer , Trump said.

Trump's policies, if enacted, would represent a near-complete reversal from the actions of Democratic President Joe Biden, who has made fighting climate change a top priority and pushed for more electric vehicles and stricter regulation of carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants. Trump has pledged to cancel unspent funds in Biden's landmark climate and health care bill and halt offshore wind energy development when he returns to the White House in January.

Trump, who called oil “liquid gold,” said oil and natural gas, as well as minerals such as lithium and copper, should be exploited wherever possible. We will DRILL BABY DRILL, “expand ALL forms of energy production to grow our economy and create good-paying jobs,” Trump wrote.

Burgum, 67, was elected governor of North Dakota in 2016, his first campaign. A former software executive, he led Great Plains Software, which Microsoft acquired for $1.1 billion in 2001. Burgum also led other real estate development and venture capital firms.

Burgum, a Republican, has adopted a pro-business style as governor of a state where agriculture and oil are major industries. He pushed for income tax cuts, loosening regulations, and changes to animal agriculture laws and higher education governance. Burgum also emphasized a data-driven approach to governance, advocated for a Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library in the state, and prioritized engagement with tribal nations.

Heran for president in 2023, but he dropped out after his candidacy failed to gain traction. He later supported Trump.

Industry groups welcomed Burgum to the new administration and said Trump's creation of an energy council demonstrated renewed interest in boosting domestic production and streamlining regulations.

Burgum's deep understanding of America's energy resources and public lands positions him to tackle critical issues such as improving energy affordability…and strengthening the United States in the global energy marketplace.” , said Erik Milito, president of the National Ocean Industries Association, which promotes offshore drilling. Milito is a former vice president of the American Petroleum Institute, the industry's leading lobbying group.

David Seabrook, president of the Wilderness Society, called Burgum a longtime friend of fossil fuel interests. He played a role at an April event at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort, where Trump reportedly asked industry executives and lobbyists to donate $1 billion to his campaign. in hopes that he would reduce environmental regulations if re-elected.

The first Trump administration treated (public lands) as if they were meant to be dug up, drilled or sold for profit,” Seabrook said. Governor Burgum's long track record of promoting unchecked fossil fuel development sends a strong signal about the path he will take this time around.

Earlier Friday, Trump announced that Steven Cheung would be his White House communications director and that Sergio Gor would lead the personnel office. Both are longtime advisors.

Cheung led communications for Trump's last campaign, where he gained a reputation for combative and insulting attacks on Republican opponents. A native of Sacramento, California, he worked in Republican politics and for the Ultimate Fighting Championship before joining Trump's team in 2016.

Gor ran Winning Team Publishing, which he launched with Donald Trump Jr. The company published books by Trump and his allies. Gor also led the Right for America super PAC.




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