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Proposing a return to democracy Pancasila and the original Constitution of 1945, the president of DPN Gepenta Surati, Jokowi


THREECHANNEL.CO- The National Movement against Narcotic Drugs, Tawuran and Anarchist Concerns (DPN Gepenta) has proposed to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to revert to the original Constitution of 1945 and the democracy of Pancasila.

The proposal was submitted by letter dated February 25, 2020, signed by Brigadier General Pol (retired) Parasian Simanungkalit as Chairman General of DPN Gepenta and Brigadier General Pol (retired) Drs Genit Hariyanto SH MSi as Secretary General of DPN Gepenta.

As one of the voluntary bodies supporting Jokowi-Ma & # 39; ruf in the 2019 presidential election, DPN Gepenta will continue to provide support to the government in every decision and policy aimed at achieving the national objective of the Indonesian nation to create a just and prosperous society.

"In this context, DPN Gepenta, in its analysis and evaluation, drew conclusions to the management of Jokowi-Ma & # 39; ruf during this second period, can immediately take policies and make decisions on the efforts of return to the democracy of Pancasila and to the original Constitution of 1945 ", declared President of the DPN Gepenta, brig.-general (retired) DR Parasian Simanungkalit, Monday (2/3/2020).

"With the end of the second period of the results of the presidential election which is adopted by the amendment of the Constitution of 1945, if it reverts to the original Constitution of 1945, the presidential election will be conducted by the MPR RI on the proposal to win the national elections, "he added.

President of DPN Gepenta, Brig. General (retired) DR Parasian Simanungkalit (left) in a national debate and a seminar organized by DPN Gepenta at Gedung Juang 45, Menteng, Jakarta Central, Saturday (1/18/2020). (three channels)

In the letter addressed to President Jokowi, DPN Gepenta included the results of the national discussions and seminars that were held last Saturday (01/18/2020).

The president of the DPN Gepenta, the brigadier general (retired), Dr. Parasian Simanungkalit, declared that the best solution to overcome all the national problems was to return to the original Pancasila democracy of the Constitution of 1945.

The statement was transmitted during a public debate and a national seminar organized by DPN Gepenta at Gedung Juang 45, Menteng, central Jakarta, Saturday (1/18/2020).

"What Gepenta and the Indonesian people want is not the Fifth Amendment or simply the realization of the GBHN. But let's go back to Pancasila democracy and the original Constitution of 1945. Why Because if all together returns to the 1945 Constitution, it will automatically revive the obligation and the obligation to implement the GBHN to achieve a safe, peaceful, prosperous and prosperous Indonesia, "said Brigadier General Pol (retired) Parasian Simanungkalit.

President of DPN Gepenta, Brig. General (retired) Dr Parasian Simanungkalit. (Actual)

He felt that the 1945 Constitution amendment had injured the heroes who fought for independence and the founders of the Republic of Indonesia based in Pancasila. In addition, experts in law and public administration also find that the amendments to the 1945 Constitution caused various problems in government and in the life of the nation and the state.

Therefore, at this time, the Indonesian people and nation need an agreement to urge President Joko Widodo or Jokowi to issue a presidential decree, to revert to the 1945 Constitution and the democracy of Pancasila. Or other efforts, namely the MPR RI held a special session to revoke the constitutional amendments of 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002 and revert to the original Constitution of 1945.

"We did forward the proposal to the president in 2015 as well as to the MPR RI, but so far there has been no response. We hope that at the In the future the DPR, DPD and MPR will endeavor to take a stand with the people and, at the same time, we will return to the democracy of Pancasila, namely the advisory representative. Then we must be able to regain ; identity of the Indonesian people, "said Brigjen Pol (retired) Parasian Simanungkalit.

So, there is enough time for Indonesia to follow liberalism, capitalism and individualism, and embrace liberal democracy. Now is the time for Indonesia to revert to the original Constitution of 1945 and simultaneously implement Pancasila democracy, namely consultation and representation.

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