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PM Imran Khan pledges full support to provinces to meet coronavirus challenge | Pakistan |


PM Imran Khan pledges full support to provinces to meet coronavirus challenge

PESHAWAR: Prime Minister Imran Khan said Friday that the federal government is providing comprehensive assistance and support to all provinces to control the spread of the coronavirus.

He met with journalists during his visit to the Hayatabad Medical Complex (HMC) where he was informed of the emergency measures and the arrangements made by the government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) for the treatment of patients suffering from coronavirus and preventing the spread of a pandemic in the province.

Governor Shah Farman, Chief Minister Mahmood Khan, Federal Minister Asad Umar, Minister of State Shahryar Afridi and the PM’s Special Assistant on Social Protection and Poverty Reduction, Dr. Sania Nishtar and the Minister KP Health, Taimur Saleem Jhagra, were present on this occasion.

“Cooperation with all the provinces would continue to face the situation,” said the Prime Minister. He ordered the governor, the chief minister and the ministers to visit the affected areas and to guarantee the availability of the required services to those at their doorsteps.

The Prime Minister was informed by the KP chief secretary, Dr. Kazim Niaz, of the various relief arrangements and measures put in place by the provincial government following the coronavirus epidemic.

During the briefing, the Prime Minister was informed that the coronavirus pandemic was more widespread in six districts of the province. He was told that Corona Emergency had been implemented by the KP government on February 3. It was noted that the KP governor, the chief minister, the health minister and other authorities are monitoring the situation daily.

In addition, 275 quarantine centers have been created in the province where 18,000 people can be accommodated. The Prime Minister was informed that the chief minister of the KP announced an envelope of 32 billion rupees at the provincial level to help those affected by the foreclosure. He was told that 583 fans were available at KP and that others were being acquired. It was pointed out at the briefing that, given the emergency, 638 tenured physicians and 1,299 contract physicians were recruited from across the province to strengthen the medical teams caring for Covid-19 patients. In addition, 9,000 retired doctors, nurses and paramedics signed up voluntarily and could be called if needed.

The Prime Minister was informed that 400 rapid response teams have been assembled to deal with the situation resulting from the coronavirus epidemic. In addition, the capacity to screen for coronaviruses is being increased and the district administrations of the province have been empowered to facilitate the public.

Prime Minister Imran Khan appreciated the measures taken by the KP government to deal with the situation. He said that under the current circumstances, the government is focused on preventing the spread of the coronavirus and helping the poor sections of society. Earlier, the Prime Minister was informed by his special assistant on social protection and poverty reduction, Dr. Sania Nishtar, of the various measures taken by the government to provide financial assistance to the poor and vulnerable segments of society. PK. She said that the distribution of 12,000 rupees per poor family as part of Prime Minister Ehsas’ emergency cash program began across the country, including the KP, on April 9 and that payment was made to families worthy as part of a transparent online mechanism.

She said it was a historic social sector relief program launched by the government to provide the help needed for daily betting and for poor and deserving families, in line with the Prime Minister’s vision to cope loss of livelihood due to coronavirus. pandemic.

The government would spend around Rs.144 billion on the mega relief program in the country, she added. Dr. Sania Nishtar said that in KP, 2.2 million poor families have been identified and would be directly helped by Prime Minister Ehsas’ emergency cash flow program. She added that about 360 cash distribution points have been set up in the 35 districts of KP where payments of 12,000 rupees have been made to the most deserving families.

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