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Cata amounts open SoCon Play on #21/22 Samford

Cata amounts open SoCon Play on #21/22 Samford


Cullowhee, North Carolina Western Carolina football opens its Southern Conference game on Saturday afternoon and travels to Seibert Stadium in Birmingham, Ala., to face the No. 21/22 Samford Bulldogs (2-1) in the both-squad league opener . Kick-off is scheduled for 3 p.m. ET / 2 p.m. CT.

Saturday’s game will be broadcasted live on ESPN3 (cable subscription required). The game can also be heard on the Catamount Sports Network with the Pepsi Tailgate Show airtime at 2:00 PM ET. Fans in western North Carolina can hear the broadcast locally on seven CSN affiliates: in Sylva, 105.7 FM and 540 AM WRGC “The River”; 104.9 FM and 1050 AM WFSC in Franklin; WISE Sports Radio 1310 AM and 102.9 FM in Asheville; and 970 AM WYSE in Canton, with live audio streaming online at

Fans can also follow the match with live statistics Accessible online at with timely in-game updates on Twitter at @Catamounts and @CatamountsFB.

Western Carolina and Samford meet for the 20th time in football with the Catamounts trailing 3-16 in the series. Previous encounters have included 10 games at Birmingham, with Samford winning nine in a row since the WCU’s 1969 victory.

With a school record of 77 points and a benchmark 766 yard offensive, WCU looks set to bring two starters back to its lineup this weekend. quarterback Charles Daviswho has thrown eight touchdown passes and has an average of 333.0 passing yards per game during his first two starts, and senior tailback TJ Jones both missed the Presbyterian game, but have since returned to practice and are gearing up for Saturday.

The Catamounts enter the week in second place in the NCAA FCS in total offense averaging 590.7 yards per game, including third-best passing attack (362.0 yds/gm) and 11th-ranked rushing attack (228.7 yds/gm).

Like WCU, Samford (2-1) has beaten both NCAA FCS teams it has faced this season, upset the No. 8 Kennesaw State 27-17 in the season opener before rallying in the last minute last week. to take down Tennessee Tech in Cookeville, Tennessee, 33-28. In between was a 33-0 road loss to #2 Georgia, though the SoCon’s Bulldogs conceded the fewest points to the SEC’s “Dogs” among the first three season opponents.

Transfer quarterback Michael Hiers (NW Mississippi CC) took the runway out of fall camp for head coach Chris Hatcher and has led the Bulldogs to a couple of wins. Hiers completed 65 percent of his passes (60-of-92) for 678 yards with eight scores without throwing an interception. Half of receiver Chandler Smith (10)’s receptions have gone for touchdowns (5) this fall, while Kendall Watson leads the way with 227 receiving yards on a team-high 16 receptions.

If history holds, points should be plentiful in Saturday’s game between the Catamounts and Bulldogs, as 44 or more points have been scored between the two squads in the past 12 encounters since 2010, with 70 or more points being scored seven times. added up. The last six meetings held in Birmingham have averaged 73 points between the two teams.

Since Chris Hatcher took over the Bulldog program, Samford has scored more than 30 points 43 times in 25 games of 40 points and 11-50 points. In two seasons in Cullowhee, Kerwin BellCatamount’s teams have scored 30 or more points in nine of his 14 games as head coach.

Kick-off from Seibert Stadium is scheduled for Saturday at 3 p.m. ET / 2 p.m. CT.


Since joining the SoCon in 1977, Western Carolina has been 23-22 overall in conference openers, including an 8-16 mark clear of Cullowhee;


Since 1983, WCU has stood only 12-84-3 all-time against nationally ranked NCAA FCS teams. The Catamounts have dropped six in a row against ranked opponents since their last win in 2017, a 38-34 defeat at home to the No. 17 Samford WCU is only 3-45-2 on the road against nationally ranked NCAA FCS teams and has 45 straight road races lost to ranked opponents since the last win in 1984 over then No. 12 Furman.


Two former college quarterbacks, both WCU . head coaches Kerwin Bell and Samford head coach Chris Hatcher spent time on the sidelines at Valdosta State, an NCAA Div.-II program in Valdosta, Georgia.

Hatcher, who played at VSU from 1991-94, began his coaching career as the quarterback coach for the Blazers in 1995 before returning as head coach from 2000-06… In seven seasons, Hatcher compiled an overall record of 76-12 , six playoff berths, won four Gulf South Conference championships and led the Blazers to the 2004 NCAA D-II National Championship, earning AFCA National Coach of the Year;

Bell set an overall record of 27-7 in three seasons in Valdosta State, winning both the Gulf South Conference and the 2018 NCAA Division II National Championship.

Game4:Saturday, September 24, 2022 3pm ET / 2pm CT
Place:Birmingham, Alaska. / Seibert Stadium (6,700)
Facts: West Carolina (2-1) at Samford (2-1)

WCU Football Media Center
Western Carolina Football Game Notes at Samford
Samford Football Game Notes – vs. Western Carolina

TV / video stream:ESPN3 (cable subscription required)
PBP: short flowering; Color: Damian Mitchell; Sideline: Blake Gardner
Radio:Catamount Sports Network
PBP: Gary Ayers; Colour:Daniel Hooker; Producer: Jeff Bryson

Link to live statistics

CSN affiliates:

Sylva 105.7 FM / 540 AM WRGC
Franklin 104.9 FM / 1050 AM WFSC
Asheville WISE Sports Radio 102.9 FM / 1310 AM
Canton WYSE Sports Radio 970 AM

Keep up with all things Catamount football and WCU Athletics through the social media on Facebook (, Twitter (@catamounts, @CatamountsFB) and Instagram (wcu_catamounts).




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