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President Xi Jinping meets with U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken

President Xi Jinping meets with U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken


On the afternoon of April 26, President Xi Jinping met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

President Xi Jinping noted that this year marks the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. Over the past 45 years, relations have gone through thick and thin, and both sides can learn some important lessons: China and the United States should be partners rather than rivals; helping each other succeed rather than hurting each other; seek common ground and reserve differences rather than engage in vicious competition; and honor words with actions rather than saying one thing but doing another. He proposed mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation as three fundamental principles of the relationship. They are both lessons from the past and a guide for the future.

President Xi Jinping pointed out that during his phone call with President Biden three weeks ago, he shared his thoughts on how to stabilize and develop China-U.S. relations in 2024, and stressed that the two sides had to value peace, prioritize stability and maintain their credibility. The finer details will fall into place when they are aligned with the big picture, he once pointed out. The world today is undergoing a transformation not seen in a century. How to answer it is a question of the times and the world. President Xi's response is to build a community with a shared future for mankind, which has become a flag of China's foreign policy and has been praised by many countries. Planet Earth is not that big and humanity faces many common challenges. As an old Chinese saying goes: passengers on the same boat should help each other. Today, according to him, people on the same planet should help each other. We live in an interdependent world and we rise and fall together. With their interests deeply intertwined, all countries must reach maximum consensus to achieve win-win and win-win results. This is the fundamental starting point for China in its worldview and Sino-US relations. President Xi stressed that major countries should behave in a manner befitting their status and act with open-mindedness and a sense of responsibility. China and the United States should set an example in this regard, shoulder their responsibilities for world peace, create opportunities for the development of all countries, provide the world with public goods, and play a positive role in promotion of global unity.

President Xi Jinping pointed out that during his meeting with President Biden in San Francisco, he proposed five pillars for China-US relations, namely, jointly developing fair perception, effectively handling disagreements, jointly advancing mutual cooperation. beneficial, jointly assume responsibilities as major countries. , and jointly promote exchanges between people. They should serve as the foundation of Sino-US relations. Once the general principles are established, the specific questions will become easier to address. China is willing to cooperate, but cooperation must be bilateral. China is not afraid of competition, but competition should be aimed at progressing together rather than playing a zero-sum game. China is committed to non-alliance and the United States should not create small blocs. Although each side may have its friends and partners, it must not target, oppose or harm the other. China welcomes a confident, open, prosperous and prosperous United States, and hopes that the United States will also view China's development in a positive light.

President Xi Jinping stressed that, as a Chinese saying goes, “no progress means regression.” This also applies to Sino-US relations. The trend toward stabilization of Sino-US relations has not been easy. We hope that both teams will continue to actively work to follow through on the San Francisco vision that he and President Biden achieved, to truly stabilize, improve and advance bilateral relations.

Secretary Blinken conveyed greetings from President Biden to President Xi. He noted that since the meeting between President Biden and President Xi in San Francisco, the United States and China have made good progress in cooperation in areas such as bilateral interactions, counter-narcotics, artificial intelligence and exchanges between peoples. The multiplicity and complexity of challenges facing the world require the United States and China to work together. The Americans from all walks of life he met during his visit all expressed hope for improved U.S.-China relations. The United States does not seek to start a new Cold War, does not seek to change the Chinese system, does not seek to suppress China's development, does not seek to revitalize its alliances against China, and has not l intention to enter into conflict with China. The United States adheres to the one-China policy. They hope to maintain communication with the Chinese side, follow through on the agreements reached between the two presidents in San Francisco, seek more cooperation, avoid misunderstandings and miscalculations, handle disputes responsibly, and achieve stable development of relations between the United States and China.

President Xi asked Secretary Blinken to convey his greetings to President Biden.

Wang Yi participated in the meeting.




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