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Arizona 2023-2024 Hockey Season Recap – The Daily Wildcat

Arizona 2023-2024 Hockey Season Recap – The Daily Wildcat


The Arizona Wildcats hockey team entered the 2023-2024 season having recorded 16 wins and 13 losses the season before. The Wildcats faced a series of games they were familiar with, members of the Western Conference Hockey Leagueand some non-division opponents they would face for the first time.

The Wildcats got off to a good start early with one 4-1 record and a four-match win streak. They looked electric on the ice and nothing stopped them. Then they were stopped by a University of Nevada, Las Vegas team that took both games away from the Wildcats. This would set in motion a worrying trend Arizona it couldn't be done win on away ice.

Despite a hot start, the Wildcats would excel the rest of their time 2023 list, with a record of 8-9 entering 2024.

This would repeat itself as the Wildcats entered this year with a series of losses to Maryville University and GCU. However, they won their homestand against the University of Oregon and San Diego State University. They would then travel to Missouri to take on Maryville and Missouri State Universitywhere they would do that win the most away games in a series with two out of three possible wins. They would end the season by traveling back to Tucson and getting a series sweep against rivals ASU.

Arizona then travel back to Missouri face it University of Pittsburgh in the opening round of the ACHA National Tournament where they would suffer a 5-2 loss to end the season.

Best match of the season: 7-0 win at home over Oregon

After a fall At 2-7 in the last nine games, Arizona had its first home game of the new year in Tucson. They would face an Oregon team that went 6-3 in its last nine games prior to the meet.

This game encompassed both the past and future of the Wildcats, with performances from players who have been Wildcats their entire collegiate careers, to rookies just getting started.

Of 5 goals from three different rookies, and then goals from Tyler Shetland and Sam Myers, this game proved how much talent is available for the future. Especially with the performance of Jack Kurrle, who was scoring and assisting in just his third game for the Wildcats.

This performance showed the peak potential of the Wildcats depth for the foreseeable future.

Main actors:

It's no surprise that the Wildcats have dominated on the ice this season. Jesse Lowell and Shetland were by far the most consistent players, both averaging an average 1.04 points per game. This means that they were responsible for a goal or an assist in every match they played in.

Lowells The best performance came when he had a chunk of time where he was recording 2 points in each of the last four games of the season. He would get up a goal and assist in the first game, then there would be three consecutive two-assist games. Shetlands best performance came in thThe third game of the season in the second game of Arizona's series against the University of Utah. Shetland put together an impressive three-goal, two-assist performance in Arizona's 7-1 win over the Utes.

Best current rookies heading into next season:

Arizona would bring in nine rookies to play on the team, and many of them would be crucial in the Wildcats' victories all season long. However, there were a few who made a huge impact as soon as they stepped on the ice.

This season's two standout rookies were Trystan Swiger and Kurrle.

Swiger would play for the Wildcats 24 out of 30 gamesand that would happen during that period scored 7 goals and 10 assists. This would ranked him fifth on the team for total points, and fifth for total goals. Zwigers The best performance came in the midseason series against ASU at home, where he totaled six points, two goals and four assists in the series. This period would show how impactful Swiger can be on either side of the ice.

Kurrl would come to the Wildcats after the winter break and appear in total 12 possible games in the 2024 portion of the season. His impact was felt immediately either scored or assisted in five of his first six games. He might slowly decline, but that time frame of dominance will certainly be something to look forward to as his career progresses.

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