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Field Hockey: No. 1 Northwestern falls 1-0 to No. 3 Michigan in Big Ten Tournament finals

Field Hockey: No. 1 Northwestern falls 1-0 to No. 3 Michigan in Big Ten Tournament finals


The Cardiac Cats couldn't find the adrenaline they needed today.

In a gray afternoon finale in College Park, No. 1 Northwestern (19-1, 9-1 B1G) lost 1-0 to No. 3 Michigan (15-4, 7-3 B1G), falling short of the Big Ten Tournament title. Senior midfielder Alana Richardson scored Michigan's only goal in the third quarter, which proved to be the game winner. Both Annabel Skubisz and Hala Silverstein recorded four saves for their teams.

The loss was Northwestern's first of the season. Additionally, it was also the team's first Big Ten loss since 2022, when it also lost to Michigan in the Big Ten tournament title game.

The defense controlled the first six minutes of action as neither team got a shot off. With 8:44 remaining, the Wolverines drew their first penalty corner, but graduate midfielder Maddie Zimmer blocked the shot with ease. Just a few seconds later, graduate goalkeeper Annabel Skubisz knocked away a shot with her left guard.

With six to go in the quarter, sophomore forward Ashley Sessa probed the defense in the circle and set up graduate midfielder Chloe Relford, who couldn't get her shot past goalkeeper Hala Silverstein. Three minutes later the Cats scored a penalty after Olivia Bent-Cole was hacked in the circle. However, Silverstein read that Sessas had shot all the way as she dove for the deflection. NU drew the second corner with less than 90 seconds left, but neither Zimmer nor Sessa could capitalize on their chances to end the quarter.

The second quarter saw a similar script as both teams went without a shot through the first seven minutes of action. With 7:51 to go, the Wolverines drew their third corner kick, but Skubisz deflected graduate midfielder Erin Reillys who shot with her foot as it sailed above the net. Two minutes later, Michigan had another chance, which Skubisz kicked away with ease.

With just over two minutes left in the half, sophomore Ilse Tromp lofted an air pass to a streaking Zimmer, but her shot hit the right post. The Cats then had a huge opportunity when they drew their second corner of the day with 37 seconds left. Tromp fired her trademark drag move towards the post, but graduate midfielder Katie Jones couldn't handle the screaming pass that ended the half.

The Cats finished the first 30 minutes of action with just one shot on goal, while the Wolverines had two. Both teams were equally aggressive with 17 fouls each, but Michigan had the upper hand with four corners compared to NU's two. Redshirt junior Claire Taylor received a green card in the final minute, but the Cats couldn't capitalize on their 11-on-10 advantage.

NU put pressure on the defense to start the second half. However, that aggression came at a price. After Zimmer received a green card, the Wolverines took advantage of that women's opportunity and attacked the circle. As she limped to the turf, Richardson fired past Skubisz to put Michigan up 1-0.

With Zimmer still out, the ruthless Wolverines drew their fifth penalty corner of the match, but Skubisz came back strong with a diving stop on Reilly's shot. With three minutes left, the All-American goalkeeper dropped to her knees and saved a shot from sophomore midfielder Natalie Millman with her shoulder.

The Cats finally drew their third corner kick of the game with less than two minutes left, but redshirt junior Abby Tamer got low to deflect junior midfielder Greta Hinke's shot. Graduate midfielder Lauren Wadas deflected the deflection, but it sailed wide of the left post.

To start the final frame of action, Bent-Cole stripped the ball and ran across the court for a baseline look, but she couldn't find the cage. Shortly afterwards, the Cats drew a penalty corner that Tromp fired onto Silverstein's leg protector. Tromp had another chance from NU's fifth corner, but Tamer put her body on the line to block the shot.

Zimmer started an encouraging fastbreak with 8:40 to go, but Michigan's defense held firm in the circle. A few minutes later, Jones charged onto the left baseline, but her shot rolled wide as she collided with Silverstein. With just over three minutes remaining, head coach Tracey Fuchs brought in Skubisz for an extra attacker.

With exactly 60 seconds left, the Cats drew a crucial penalty corner with the chance to level the match at one point. Wadas had a chance to secure the ball, but she couldn't catch the shot. Just seconds later, senior midfielder Regan Cornelius fired a shot towards the far post that Silverstein just got a piece of. The Wolverines ran the remaining 20 seconds off the clock to capture the Big Ten tournament title.

Despite the loss, the Cats are in a good position to make the NCAA tournament. NU will find out her seed for this year's championship tonight at 9pm CT. The selection show will air on




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