East St. Louis beats Chatham Glenwood
CHATHAM The East St. Louis Flyers don't just walk onto a football field. They stroll, and for good reason.
The Flyers are a nationally ranked powerhouse who, under the leadership of Illinois High School Association Hall of Fame coach Darren Sunkett, had 47 alumni play at some level of college ball this year and whose team totaled three first downs and zero points had allowed in the competition. first two postseason games.
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But the Chatham Glenwood Titans gave the Flyers a real game Saturday in their Class 6A home quarterfinal in front of a capacity crowd. At least, for just over two quarters.
Ultimately, the Flyers' overwhelming talent on both sides of the ball prevailed in a 58-14 final that sent East St. Louis (11-1) to the semis for the sixth straight year this weekend at home against Oak Lawn Richards. state finals. For the Titans, whose season finished 9-3, the players were on the field afterward despite a game that was lopsided in the second half.
We learned today what it takes to play a team like that and compete for a state title, which is our goal, Glenwood junior quarterback Colten Knoedler said. I think we can learn a lot from this, and most of our guys will come back.
It was really a game in the early stages of the third quarter. The Titans tied the game 7-7 in the second quarter on a 15-yard TD pass from Knoedler to Jonathan Helm, and the Titans defense previously had the high-octane offense led by QB Kendrick Lyons at stopped consecutive fourth downs.
At that point, senior running back Christopher Bennett Jr. tried to. to calm the large, partisan crowd before the visions of a huge upset became too vivid in their minds.
Bennett ran for 27 yards and one of his four touchdowns to make it a 14-7 game with 10:39 left in the second, an 18-yard run to make it 20-7, and then an 80 scoring run yard on the first. play from scrimmage after Glenwood's Herchel Walker ran for a touchdown to get the Titans within 26-14 early in the third.
Staying on track, making it to state and actually winning it this year is the main goal, said Bennett, who is committed to playing at Lindenwood University next year. We traveled for so many years and came up short. So finish the job, that's all we want.
It was hard enough for the Titans to beat the Flyers with a healthy roster. It was another thing to try without probably their best running back, Grady Mueller, who left the game in the second quarter with what appeared to be an injury to his right ankle when it was a 14-7 game. That limited the options of Knoedler, who still did an admirable job not only against a steady Flyers rush, but against a big, fast and physical secondary.
“I pray he is doing well,” Knoedler said.
When asked what he will remember most about the 2024 Titans football season, Knoedler said: Just the seniors. That's the best class of seniors in any sport I'm a part of. There were so many different personalities, and they were all so passionate. If they follow the same approach they use on the practice field and in the weight room, I think they will be very successful in life.
Those seniors included running back Walker, the transfer from Springfield High School who made a real difference for the Titans this year, and others like Gavin Simmons and Helm. Not to mention kicker Mia Gerger, who never missed an extra point on the season and scored a game-winning field goal against Sacred Heart-Griffin a few weeks ago that will go down in IHSA lore as one of the best regular season games ever.
Flyers coach Sunkett wasn't surprised the Titans had a fight on this one. Nor, he seemed to say, about the outcome.
We missed two fourth down chances in the first half, just bad numbers on our part, and we just told our defense that they needed to toughen up a little bit more. After that, a lot of positive things started happening, Sunkett said. We knew (Glenwood) had a lot of adrenaline, and it just had to wear off. It's like you're given an opportunity; Once that shot wears off, you become who you are. It subsided, their adrenaline disappeared and we kept the pedal to the metal to get the medal.
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