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One week to go: Elite Eight ready for the first ever ITTF Esports World Championships

One week to go: Elite Eight ready for the first ever ITTF Esports World Championships


Eight exceptional players, each bringing their own compelling story to this groundbreaking event, will compete to become the first-ever ITTF World Esports Champion. The field combines experienced traditional table tennis athletes and virtual reality specialists, highlighting the evolution of the sport across different platforms.

Andr “L4mbo” Bylund

A former Swedish youth elite player whose journey in virtual table tennis dates back to the beta phase of the game. The 31-year-old Swede, former world number 1 in virtual format and winner of the first major prize pool tournament, brings valuable experience to this historic event. His continued involvement in local and regional competitions, coupled with his role as a mentor to the next generation, demonstrates his enduring passion for the sport.

Wladmir “11BRA_Wlad” Pimentel

The Brazilian's impressive table tennis career spans more than three decades. Starting at the age of 12, the 46-year-old South Brazilian champion has achieved multiple state championships in the youth categories and several victories in the Brazil Cup throughout his career. Having discovered virtual reality table tennis just two years ago, he has seamlessly translated his skills to the virtual world, reaching number 5 in the world and maintaining a top 10 world ranking for over a year, while also coaches champion athletes in both traditional and virtual environments. .

Eva “emart_11”Martínez

The Spanish competitor brings a decade of table tennis experience to the virtual arena. She competed in Spain's third division for CTT Ateneu 1882, achieving podium finishes in senior state tournaments and the Catalan Championships in both doubles and mixed doubles. Since discovering virtual table tennis during the pandemic, Martnez has dominated the virtual women's rankings while consistently maintaining her position among the top 50 players worldwide.

Sha “CHN_shayne115” Wenhao

The Chinese expert brings professional coaching expertise and competitive success to the tournament. Fresh from winning the 2024 Suzhou City competition, the 29-year-old represents the bridge between traditional coaching and virtual innovation. His unique perspective as a coach and competitor adds another fascinating dimension to this groundbreaking championship.

Antonin “11FR_Anto” Landreau

The French phenomenon comes in as regular season champion. The 20-year-old, who started his table tennis journey at the age of six, has achieved a French regional silver medal, won two French championships and recently added the European Championships in Dusseldorf to his growing trophy cabinet. He was the winner at the Olympic Esports Week 2023 exhibition where virtual table tennis put on a show as a demonstration sport during the event.

Maik “Aiphaton” Reusner

The German brings with him the experience of being world number 1 for more than 18 months after dominating the first season's championships. Since joining the virtual competition in June 2020, the 36-year-old has showcased the skills he has developed from his traditional table tennis background, which started at the age of eight. His wins in the Seasons 1 and 2 championships, coupled with his long reign as world No. 1, make him a formidable competitor.

Nicolas “Swiss11Rally” Champod

The first qualifier from the online qualifying phase, this Swiss former national team member brings elite credentials to the virtual arena, with three World Cup appearances (Tokyo 2014, Suzhou 2015 and Kuala Lumpur 2016) and multiple Swiss national titles to his name . Having only started playing virtual table tennis in January 2024, his rapid rise to the global top 3 and victory in the September monthly tournament shows how traditional elite skills are transferring to the virtual format. In addition to competing, the 34-year-old continues to share his expertise as a trainer, including working with Paralympic medalists.

Nathan “11FR-Natping” Denchre

The French youth doubles champion and former Eurominichamps finalist is an example of the new generation of table tennis talent. After competing at the highest national level in the youth categories and at National 1 in the men's team, his meteoric rise in virtual table tennis saw him reach world number 2 and claim European vice-champion status. At just 20 years old, Denchre, who qualified after a qualifying stage, is demonstrating the natural adaptability of the next generation in this evolving sport.

This diverse field, representing multiple generations and playing styles, sets the stage for an extraordinary first championship. As traditional expertise meets digital innovation in Helsingborg, a new milestone in table tennis history awaits.

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