FSU Football's Randy Shannon shares the key to slowing down Florida's DJ Laway
Florida State Football (2-9, 1-7) interim defensive coordinator Randy Shannon isn't worried about his past or what the future holds for him.
He's just concerned about having his defense ready for the Florida Gators (6-5, 4-4) for Saturday's Sunshine State Showdown at Doak Campbell Stadium at 7 p.m. on ESPN2.
Shannon, who has coached FSU's rivalry teams in his 32-year coaching career, was asked about his past experiences during Monday's press conference and immediately shut it down by insisting on attendance and nothing in between.
“It's something I'll never do,” Shannon said.
“I never talk about any position I've ever been in. When I was in Florida, when I was in Miami, you had to do your job and keep it moving. You don't worry about the future. You worry just worrying about what is in the present.”
Last week's win over Charleston Southern was Shannon's first game calling on defense after Adam Fuller was fired.
New coach, new rules
FSU defensive back Ashlynd Barker, who got his first career pick against the Buccaneers, said after the game that Shannon had installed some new plays and it took time to adjust to them during the practice week.
“When we heard the news, and the next day, we had some new things installed,” Barker said.
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“So the first day of training, which was full speed, was quite a challenge for me because I try to take pride in knowing what I'm doing, but pretty much after that it was smooth sailing because Shannon has confidence in us and stuff like that.
Shannon was pleased with the performance of the defense, especially his young group.
He liked how the Seminoles shut down the Buccaneers' running game, limiting it to 57 yards. He also encouraged them to stay positive, play loosely and not treat it like a job.
“They just went out and played the game,” Shannon said.
“It was a reaction. It's more about you playing the game because you enjoy it. You're playing the game because you chose to do these things, and it's more about not putting in the work, “
“Don't make it a situation where you have to take it to another level, whatever you do, but not at all costs. I just told them, 'Hey, don't let the negative rules of the game control you; you control the negative plays.”
How FSU Football's DC Randy Shannon is preparing for Florida Gators
Shannon has coached on both sides of the FSU-UF rivalry.
This year's matchup features two freshman quarterbacks, FSU's Luke Kromenhoek and UF's DJ Lagway. For Shannon and his defense, it's all about game planning for the athletic Lagoway.
Since Lagway took over at quarterback, the Gators have won three of their last four games, including defeating Top 25 SEC opponents LSU and Ole Miss.
The win over the Rebels made Florida eligible to play bowling. Lagway has thrown for 1,477 yards, nine touchdowns and six interceptions.
Shannon believes the best way to stop Laway is to win upfront and stop Florida's running game.
“It's what they do beforehand, to be honest, guys,” Shannon said.
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“I mean, the coach has done a great job with what they're doing. It's limited to what they're trying to accomplish first. They're going to try to pound the ball.”
Focus on football
FSU has won the last two meetings and it could be the first time since 2017 that the Seminoles have defeated the Gators in three straight years. Shannon had a different point of view when dealing with a rivalry game like FSU-UF and advised his players not to let it become a distraction from the game itself.
“It's all going to come down to the football field. I mean, the environment is going to be the environment. It's always the rivalry games, the crowd, the fans, the stands, it's always exciting and everything else, but you have to make sure you as a player, don't get caught up in the sense of getting into the stands, all the theater, the excitement and the fun that the family is going to have there,” Shannon said.
“The most important thing you have is to focus on what's happening on the football field and not get a kid involved in one-on-one fights,” Shannon said.
“That's the one thing you can't get into when you have a rivalry game, the one-on-one battles, me against that game, because eventually someone is going to do that, and all of a sudden flags go out, and then officials have to take control of the gameplay.” Shannon said.
“Play the game with what you normally do and be the best you can be, but don't get involved in the one-on-one battles.”
How FSU vs. Florida to view
- Date: Saturday November 30
- Time: 7:00 PM
- Where: Doak Campbell Stadium, Tallahassee
FSU football schedule 2024: TV channels, dates and start times
- Saturday August 24: vs. Georgia Tech* (Aer Lingus College Football Classic) lost 24-21
- Monday September 2: vs. Boston College* | 7:30 PM | ESPN (Fubo) Lost 28-13
- Saturday September 7: Bye
- Saturday September 14: vs. Memphis | Afternoon | ESPN (Fubo) Lost 20-12
- Saturday September 21: vs. Cal* | 7:00 PM| ESPN2 (Fubo) Won 14-9
- Saturday September 28: at No. 9 SMU* | 8:00 PM EST | ACC Network lost 42-16
- Saturday October 5: vs. No. 17 Clemson* | 7:00 PM| ESPN (Fubo) Lost 29-13
- Saturday October 12: Bye
- Friday October 18: at Hertog* | 7:00 PM | ESPN2 (Fubo) Lost 23-16
- Saturday October 26: at number 7 Miami* | 7:00 PM | ESPN (Fubo) Lost 36-14
- Saturday November 2: vs. North Carolina* | 3:30 pm| ESPN (Fubo) Lost 35-11
- Saturday November 9: at No. 5 Notre Dame | 7:30 PM | NBC (Fubo, Peacock) Lost 52-3
- Saturday November 16: Bye
- Saturday November 23: vs. Charleston South | 1:30 PM |ACC Extra/ ESPN+ Won 41-7
- Saturday November 30: vs. Florida
Always Oriental
* = ACC
Peter Holland Jr. covers Florida State athletics for the Tallahassee Democrat. Contact him via email at [email protected] or at X @_Da_pistol.
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