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Sports Hub open again to fitness enthusiasts with safe in-game controls, Sports News & Top Stories


SINGAPORE – Sports and lifestyle activities can now take place at the Singapore Sports Hub with the completion of the temporary housing project for migrant workers, the Singapore Sports Hub has announced.

The 100Plus Promenade, Stingray at Splash-N-Surf, Sports Hub Hard Courts and Skate Park were open to the public for these activities on Monday (Sept. 14), while the OCBC Arena is open from Wednesday.

All sites have undergone extensive disinfection and decontamination before reopening, the Singapore Sports Hub said in a press statement.

Lionel Yeo, CEO of Singapore Sports Hub, said: “We look forward to the buzz of badminton, basketball and netball players at the OCBC Arena, active bodies jogging along the 100Plus Promenade and families gathering at the Splash-N-Surf lively presence at the Sports Hub confirms our purpose in developing local sports and communities.

“I am personally delighted to welcome more of our customers back, with the assurance of safe controls so they can practice, play and train safely.”

The Lazy River and Kids Water Playground at Splash-N-Surf, Sports Hub Fitness Studio and Shimano Cycling World will remain closed until further notice.

Visit theSports Hub websitefor the latest updates.

The guidelines for the recently reopened locations in the Singapore Sports Hub are as follows:

1) OCBC Arena (including Halls 1 to 3 and the Sports Hub Gym)

Access to the OCBC Arena is limited to only members of the public with confirmed bookings and existing gym members. Patrons are required to provide proof of court booking or gym membership prior to entry. Court bookings can be made on this website.

Each room is limited to a maximum of 50 people and all group activities, except table tennis, are strictly limited to a maximum of five people. Clients are not allowed to communicate with clients from other groups or rooms. A maximum of four people are allowed on each badminton and table tennis court.

The Sports Hub Gym is limited to a maximum of 28 people, with a time limit of 90 minutes per session (walk-in sections only; available on a first-come, first-served basis).

2) 100 Plus Promenade

Group social activities are strictly limited to a maximum of five people, with the exception of recorded instructor-led training activities.

3) Stingray at Splash-N-Surf

Limited to a maximum of 10 people, ie five riders per slot with an accompanying guardian each.

All sessions are limited to a one-hour booking only, and customers must book a slot online on the Singapore Sports Hub website before going down.

Customers can collect and pay for their wristbands before the session at the OCBC Aquatic Center Information Counter on Level 1.

To minimize contact with other customers, customers should bring their personal wet clothing, including rash protection.

4) Sports Hub Hardcourt and Skatepark

Group social activities are strictly limited to a maximum of five people.

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