He is called the Godfather of Artificial Intelligence, a pioneer of the technology but Dr Geoffery Hinton has quit his job at Google – saying he...
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak joins “CNN This Morning” to discuss the impacts of artificial intelligence. #CNN #News Sources 1/ https://Google.com/ 2/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OU9cKjWsvH0 The mention sources can contact...
Artificial intelligence (AI) models created by scientists, physicians and researchers can accurately identify cancers, hasten diagnosis of deadly diseases, and mark developmental stages that can provide...
Police departments in the US are using a new AI program called Truleo to analyze officers’ body camera videos and prevent problematic behavior. CNN’s Vanessa Yurkevich...
AI’s ability to create realistic fake images can be scary, but what if some of these fake images could help you stand out professionally? CNN’s Jon...
It is at the forefront of technology and causes astonishment and alarm every day. (Subscribe to: Artificial intelligence, or AI, can have extraordinary benefits in areas...
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