Vive, U.S. chief surgeon Murthy, said social media companies have taken positive steps against sharing health misinformation, but “it’s not enough” and responded to a Facebook...
Last week this program only showed how America’s largest oil giant ExxonMobil worked behind closed doors to irrigate climate legislation in the US. (Subscribe: Last night,...
According to author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, last year her father’s loss was further exacerbated by her separation from him – himself, stuck in the US, himself,...
Rana Foroohar is a business columnist for the Financial Times, a CNN analyst and author. (Subscribe: His latest book, ‘Don’t Be Evil: The Case Against Big...
A young trainee nurse hospitalized with three blood clots after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine advised Australians to enroll it, despite “rare” side effects. Erie Peacock, who...
A covert investigation by Channel 4 News revealed that Cambridge Analytica’s main campaign in the election around the world was talking about the use of bribery,...
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