The Earth's tectonic plates are constantly moving, but at an almost imperceptible pace. In a new revelation, scientists predict a geological phenomenon that could reshape the...
FALLS CITY, Texas – The area of South Texas between San Antonio and Corpus Christi is the latest area to become a hotbed of seismic activity,...
1 basement She and her mother lived around the corner. She was crying constantly but it didn’t bother us. Sometimes we would play cards by candlelight...
On Friday, the northeastern state of Manipur recorded a slight seismic activity. A 4.4-magnitude earthquake occurred around 9:30 p.m. The National Center for Seismology reported that...
According to the US Geological Survey, a 1.8-magnitude earthquake struck Troutman in Iredale County at about 6 a.m. Wednesday. Sources 1/ 2/ The mention sources...
In a very important discovery, archaeologists have found evidence of the largest known earthquake in human history. The strength of this serious earthquake was 9.5 on...
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