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GitHub co-pilot “AI Pair Programmer” is generally available for $ 10 per month-Visual Studio Magazine

GitHub co-pilot “AI Pair Programmer” is generally available for $ 10 per month-Visual Studio Magazine



GitHub co-pilot “AI Pair Programmer” is now generally available for $ 10 per month

After a year of technical preview, GitHub Copilot, known as the “AI Pair Programmer” coding assistant, has reached general availability (GA) status.

Powered by the new AI system developed by OpenAI, GitHub Copilot is delivered as an editor / IDE extension for use with the JetBrains suite of Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio 2022, Neovim, and the IDE.

“GitHub Copilot is specially designed as an editorial extension so it doesn’t get in the way of your work,” GitHub announced in a blog post on June 21st.

[Click on image for larger view.] GitHub co-pilot (Source: GitHub).

As an AI pair programmer, it offers advanced code completion features and suggestions similar to IntelliSense / IntelliCode, but goes beyond these Microsoft products thanks to Codex, a new AI system developed by Microsoft partner OpenAI. increase. IntelliCode is equipped with a large-scale transformer model (GPT-C) specialized for code use, while OpenAI Codex is an improved version of GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) that can convert natural language into code. is.

This means developers can create an entire project like a simple game with just the commands they type. The new product offers full-line code suggestions, complete methods, boilerplate code, entire unit tests, and even complex algorithms.

[Click on image for larger view.] Turn words into codes (Source: OpenAI).

“GitHub Copilot extracts the collective knowledge of developers from around the world into editor extensions that suggest code in real time, allowing you to focus on what’s most important: building great software,” GitHub said. I am.

[Click on image for larger, animated GIF view.] Animation action GitHub co-pilot (Source: GitHub).

OpenAI Codex is trained in public source code (including GitHub repositories) and natural language, so it works in both programming and human languages. Editor extensions send comments and code to the GitHub Copilot service, depending on the context. That is, the file content of both the file you are editing and the adjacent or related files in your project. The relevant context can also be identified via a collection of URLs in the repository or file path. OpenAI Codex can then use comments and code with context to synthesize and suggest individual lines and entire functionality. It is explained in the project FAQ.

After the technical preview, it’s available to all developers for $ 10 per month (or $ 100 per year), but it’s free for students and maintainers of popular open source projects. It is also available in a 60-day free trial.

“With more than 1.2 million developers participating in the technical preview in the last 12 months, people who started using GitHub Copilot quickly said that GitHub Copilot has become an integral part of their daily workflow.” Said GitHub in a GA announcement. “In the enabled files, nearly 40% of the code is written by GitHub Copilot in a popular coding language such as Python, and we expect it to continue to grow. This will make developers more problematic. More time and space to focus on solving and building. Greater software. ”

However, there is skepticism about GitHub Copilot. This is because developers are afraid to come to their jobs and arouse existential fear. It is also associated with insecure code and has been accused of being “unacceptable and unjustified” by the Nonprofit Free Software Foundation (FSF).

The FAQ mentioned above addresses some of these concerns.

We don’t expect GitHub Copilot to replace developers. Rather, we hope that GitHub Copilot will partner with developers to strengthen their capabilities, increase their productivity, reduce manual tasks, and focus on interesting tasks. Public code may contain insecure coding patterns, bugs, or references to older APIs or idioms. If GitHub Copilot synthesizes code suggestions based on this data, you can also synthesize code that contains these unwanted patterns. This is something we care about very much on GitHub, and in recent years we have provided tools such as GitHub Actions, Dependabot, and CodeQL to open source projects to improve the quality of our code. Of course, GitHub Copilot should always be used with good testing and code review practices, security tools, and your own judgment. We recognize that the fairness and inclusiveness of code generation systems is an important new area of ​​research. We work with experts, including Microsoft’s Office of Responsible AI, to advance responsible AI practices on GitHub Copilot. We also review new research and learn from the feedback we receive to improve GitHub Copilot, make it available to a wide range of developers, and provide similar quality of service to people of different backgrounds.

GitHub Copilot is currently available to individual developers, but will not be available to businesses until later this year.

“With GitHub Copilot, for the first time in the history of software, AI can be widely used by developers to write and complete code,” says GitHub. “Like the rise of compilers and open source, AI-assisted coding will radically change the nature of software development, making it easier and faster for developers to write code and make their lives happier. I believe I can do it. ”

About the author

David Ramel is the editor and writer of Converge360.




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