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LG's gorgeous new Evo G4 and C4 OLED TVs are here, perfect for sports

LG's gorgeous new Evo G4 and C4 OLED TVs are here, perfect for sports



Among the new 2024 TV models you can get your hands on first are the LG OLED G4 and OLED C4 smart TVs. These two are expected to be great TVs for watching sports and playing video games, thanks to their fast refresh rates and beautiful screens.

The new LG C4 and G4 series TVs come in a variety of sizes from 42 inches up to 97 inches. Everything is finally available and you can order it directly from LG or Amazon.

The LG C3 was one of our most popular TVs last year and is the brand's best-selling model. This TV's 120Hz refresh rate and sharp picture make it one of the best TVs for watching sports and playing video games. That's why we're so excited about this new lineup.

Check out LG's new 2024 Evo C4 OLED TV LG

The C4 series TV is LG's new flagship OLED model, replacing the C3 in 2023. They feature over 8 million self-emissive pixels that can display rich, bright and accurate colors – think 100% color coverage with 100% color fidelity. These TVs also come with features like Dolby Vision support. Special viewing modes are also available, such as Filmmaker mode, which creates movies exactly as the director intended.

Not everything you watch will be in native 4K resolution. Take full advantage of your TV's enhanced AI upscaling to improve your picture to near 4K quality in real-time. I also like that this TV has a multi-view feature so I can split the screen and he can watch two things at the same time.

These TVs feature a resolution of 3,840 x 2,160 pixels and a 120Hz refresh rate via LG's a9 AI processor 4K Gen 7 and WebOS 24 operating system. To complement its amazing picture quality, the C4 TV supports Dolby Atmos and DTS:X and has a built-in 2.2-channel speaker system, including a downward-facing speaker. There are also plenty of port options.

Choose your ideal screen size: 42 inches ($1,500), 48 inches ($1,600), 55 inches ($2,000), 65 inches ($2,700), 77 inches ($3,700), or 83 inches ($5,400).

What the 2024 model LG OLED Evo G4 series TV offers LG

When it comes to the 2024 model year of LG's G4 series smart TVs, bigger is better. This new TV lineup replaces the 2023 G3 series. Choose from 55-inch ($2,600), 65-inch ($3,400), 77-inch ($4,600), 83-inch ($6,500), or 97-inch ($25,000) models. All models offer incredible image quality at full resolution. Advantages of the latest OLED display technology.

These beauties offer over 8 million self-emitting pixels, displaying brighter, more accurate, and more vibrant colors than ever before. That means 100% color coverage with 100% color fidelity. This series of TVs is 150% brighter than the B4 series TVs from just a few years ago. These new TVs offer faster, more powerful processors with better AI-based upscaling.

These 4K Ultra HD TVs feature a resolution of 3,840 x 2,160 pixels and a 120Hz refresh rate. Each supports Dolby Vision, HDR10, and HLG, as well as LG's OLED Motion technology that makes fast-moving content (such as live sports and action movies) look smooth. It's all thanks to the LG a11 AI processor 4K and WebOS 24 operating system.

One of our favorite features is the ability to tap on the TV's enhanced multi-view feature to watch four things at once. The TV's built-in speakers offer 4.2 channels (including down-firing speakers) with support for Dolby Atmos and DTS:X. So you can expect impressive sound quality to complement the premium picture quality, even without the addition of a soundbar.

Jason R. Rich




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