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City of Guelph to receive federal investment for new central library

City of Guelph to receive federal investment for new central library


The new library is also the first independent library to be certified under the Zero Carbon Building Design Standard

Guelph, Ont., March 25, 2024 Guelph is set to get a federal investment of $13.5 million to help support the construction of the new central library. Announced today by Guelph MP Lloyd Longfield and Mayor Cam Guthrie, this funding will contribute to the creation of a vibrant new community center in Guelph.

Libraries are the trademark of educated, equal and democratic societies. Cities across Canada are turning to these types of inclusive buildings to revitalize their downtowns, increase visitors, and improve access to information and resources. Guelphs new central library will help contribute to a thriving community as a hub that will inspire residents to learn and explore for years to come, says Lloyd Longfield, MP for Guelph, on behalf of the Honorable Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure. and Communities.

This investment comes from Infrastructure Canada and is administered through the Green and Inclusive Buildings (GICB) program, which supports green and accessible retrofits, repairs or upgrades to existing public community buildings and the construction of new publicly accessible community buildings. intended to help Canada. towards its net zero goals by 2050.

Green and Inclusive Community Building program funding will help Guelph build a new, state-of-the-art, fully accessible main library to replace the current library, which no longer meets the needs of the community, says Mayor Cam Guthrie. The funding will help us reduce capital costs while building a facility that meets the Canada Green Building Councils Zero Carbon Building Design Standard.

The new central library is a key part of the redevelopment of the Baker District, a former municipal parking lot being transformed to provide the new library, mixed-use residential and commercial towers, public parking and public plazas.

Zero Carbon Building Design Standard Certification

Guelph's new central library is slated to be the first freestanding library in Canada to achieve the Canada Green Building Councils Standard Zero Carbon Building Design Certificate, verifying that the new building is designed to be carbon neutral.

Achieving this certification is a huge win for Guelph. We are committed to leadership in climate action as outlined in our Guelph Future Strategic Plan, and the innovative design approach for the new library is an excellent example of this commitment, says Scott Stewart, Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Guelph . We would carry this momentum forward and continue to make important strides towards becoming a more sustainable city.

Between this important certification and the energy-conscious design considerations for the building (including renewable energy through rooftop solar panels, minimization of fossil fuel use, and a highly efficient building exterior), the new central library will help to bring Guelph closer to meeting our commitment to the Race to Zero goals and becoming a net zero carbon community by 2050.

About the new central library

Set to replace the current central library which opened in 1965, the new library will:

  • Provide a variety of community spaces, such as quiet areas for reading and reflection, as well as larger areas for performances or events;
  • Reducing barriers for residents to access improved technology, including a creative studio with 3D printing and audio/video recording and production opportunities;
  • Provide inclusive spaces for members of local Indigenous communities (such as spaces for Indigenous art and communal circles), and new parents (including a space for nursing and pram parking);
  • Supporting active transport with covered bicycle parking;
  • Have backup power sources and be able to provide emergency shelter during severe weather events; AND
  • Be completely accessible.

For more information, visit


Media contacts

Stefany Snedden, Strategic Communications Advisor
Strategic Communications and Community Engagement
City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 3519
[email protected]

Patricia Halajski, communication advisor to the mayors of the municipalities
Office of Mayors
City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 2558
[email protected]




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