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Google AI search tool uncovers scams and malicious links The Register

Google AI search tool uncovers scams and malicious links The Register


Google's new AI-generated search results feature suffers from the same problems as regular search results these days. That means spammy links, if not outright malicious links, are rising to the top of his SERP stack.

Google reportedly began testing its search generation experience (SGE), which had previously been an opt-in-only test, with a small number of users in the U.S. without requiring opt-in. ing. However, based on the findings of Lily Ray, her vice president of SEO strategy and research at marketing company Amsive, user ratings are debatable.

Ray posted to X over the weekend to talk about ongoing issues with Google search results that she first discovered in December of last year. These results are being exploited by spammers and scammers, and the top results for long-tail searches are filled with junk.

Ray says the same garbage he sees in regular Google search results is also showing up in SGE search results, which appear at the top of the SERPs, as shown in the image Ray provided to The Register. he said.

Results from Ray's SGE search. “All of these links are spam,” Ray said. (Click to enlarge)

“Keywords are fairly random, but are generally long-tail keywords with relatively low volume and limited SEO competition,” Ray said, adding that spam results can be searched for things like Craigslist pages, specific locations, or other specifics. results.

According to an article in Search Engine Journal late last year citing Ray's findings, Ray found that (non-SGE) SEO spam includes long-tail local results served by new domains without reputation scores. It involved manipulating them to boost their rankings. Malicious links found in the same query appear in his SGE results.

“In this case, we were able to generate a response using SGE (via Google Labs), which pulled in content from cloaked domains like spam,” says Ray. .

Ray said the fact that the results were obtained through Google Labs' SGE results was important to note.

“The results I saw were generated using the opt-in SGE feature via Google Labs and are different from the new public test that Google announced last week,” Ray said. “Google has indicated that in public experiments, users will see even more limited results, and users will not be able to force them to generate answers in the way they can currently do with Google Labs.”

Register was able to generate malicious SGE results using some of the keywords highlighted by Ray, but it also required an opt-in from the Google Labs page.

uBlock Origin warning when trying to click on SGE results for Aussie puppies for sale on Craigslist (click to enlarge)

“We continue to update our advanced anti-spam systems to keep spam out of our searches, and we leverage these anti-spam protections to protect SGE. Based on our policy, we “We have taken steps to remove shared examples that were showing as missing queries,” a Google spokesperson said.

Although it is said that approximately 99% of Google's search results are spam-free, Google notes that spammers are constantly evolving ways to evade its filters, and the company is playing catch-up. did. Google also reiterated that Google Labs results are not indicative of what test users see.

But we can't see what information regular users of SGE see, and Google hasn't provided any evidence that they're any more secure than they claim to be.

Until we have some confirmation that SGE, which has unwittingly exposed itself to Google's latest questionable AI experiment, is safe for the general public, we recommend that you at least vet any URLs thoroughly before opening them. Masu.

As always in the age of the ever-worsening internet, users beware.




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