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Blue Planet acquires Vac-Tech to drive innovation in hazardous waste management

Blue Planet acquires Vac-Tech to drive innovation in hazardous waste management


SINGAPORE, March 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Blue Planet Environmental Solutions Pte. Ltd. (Blue Planet), a global powerhouse in sustainable waste management solutions, is committed to providing key solutions in its circular economy journey. We have announced the acquisition of Vac-Tech Engineering Pte Ltd, which has achieved a milestone.

your vacuum solution partner

With this strategic acquisition, Blue Planet strengthens its expertise in hazardous waste management and transportation and strengthens its mission to provide technology-driven solutions for waste management and upcycling. Vac-Tech Engineering is known for its expertise in hazardous waste treatment and specialized industrial services, and brings over 20 years of experience implementing cutting-edge technology to achieve sustainable waste management goals. I am.

Mark Lee, CEO of Vac-Tech Engineering Pte Ltd, said: “Our commitment is to provide the best hazardous waste management solutions to achieve our objectives while adhering to strict safety and environmental standards. We are proud to work with Blue Planet to further strengthen our shared values.” A vision of sustainable waste management. ”

Vac-Tech's Squiz-tech dewatering and centrifugal treatment systems are revolutionizing hazardous waste management and providing efficient and sustainable solutions to environmental problems. Additionally, Vac-Tech's hazardous waste transportation services, including vacuum truck services and pump rental services, further enhance your ability to manage and handle hazardous materials safely and responsibly.

Madhujeet Chimni, founder and chairman of Blue Planet, said: “This partnership is a vital addition to our business and will help advocate for our circular economy goals. Vac-Tech's expertise in hazardous waste treatment This complements Blue Planet's goal of achieving zero levels of waste sent to landfill.” . ”

About Blue Planet

Founded in 2017, Blue Planet is headquartered in Singapore and pioneers regional sustainability through technology-driven and IP-based end-to-end solutions for waste management and upcycling. The company has successfully built an innovative technology-driven end-to-end waste management platform. The mission is to apply these technologies to different stages of the waste lifecycle. Blue Planet is committed to providing circular economy solutions and achieving the vision of zero waste to landfill.

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For more information about Blue Planet, please visit

About Vac-Tech Engineering Pte Ltd

Founded in 1995, Vac-Tech has undergone significant evolution and consolidation over the past two decades and has emerged as a prominent expert in the field of hazardous waste treatment and transportation, as well as a wide range of industrial services. Demonstrating a commitment to excellence, the company boasts a deep pool of professional talent and has earned recognition as a prominent market leader by leveraging state-of-the-art automation technology in the delivery of Integrated Plant Maintenance Services (IPMS). Masu. The culmination of these efforts has cemented Vac-Tech's position as a regional and regional pioneer.

For more information about Vac-Tech Engineering, please visit

(PRNewsfoto/Blue Planet Environmental Solutions)


View original content to download multimedia: hazardous-waste-management-302100679.html

SOURCE Blue Planet Environmental Solutions




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