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In 500 years, all Japanese people may mysteriously have the same last name.

In 500 years, all Japanese people may mysteriously have the same last name.


Over the years, Japan has earned a reputation as a global epicenter of technological innovation. This island nation has created eye-catching technology with the help of precision engineering and cutting-edge electronics. The country is renowned for its technology, but in the distant future, its civilization may face its worst crisis, and it has a lot to do with its last name. A recent simulation conducted by Professor Hiroshi Yoshida of Tohoku University's School of Economics found that by 2531, nearly all Japanese citizens will share the Sato surname, The Japan Times reported.

Image source: Pexels | Photo credit: Aleksandar Pasaric

Japan is the only country in the world that requires spouses to use the same surname, according to an archaic 1898 Civil Code. As of 2023, the most common surname in Japan is Sato, accounting for approximately 1.5% of the total population. This may seem trivial, but research conducted by Yoshida predicts that if things continue as they are, all Japanese people will be known as “Sato” by 2531.

The study was organized by the Think Name Project and Asniwa, which want to legalize the opportunity to choose a surname in the country. The study hypothesized that if no changes are made to surname policy, 50 percent of Japanese surnames will be Sato by 2446. The annual growth rate of the surname Sato is thought to be 1.0083%. From 2022 to his 2023 data.

Image source: Pexels | Photo by Ryutaro Tsukata

Professor Yoshida spoke to the Mainichi Shimbun about the possible consequences if Sato were to take over Japanese civilization. He said, “If everyone became Sato, they might have to be called by their name or number. I don't think that would be an easy world to live in.''

If Japan introduces the separate surname system, in 2531 only 7.96% of the population will have the surname Sato. However, by 3310, the surname Sato accounted for the majority of the population. Another parameter considered was Japan's population decline. According to officials, if Japan's population continues to decline, only 22 people will remain by 3310. According to Professor Yoshida, having different surnames will maintain the diversity of Japanese surnames until the population disappears. system has been introduced.

Some social media users thought the study was an April Fool's prank, but Professor Yoshida wanted people to think twice. According to the Asahi Shimbun, Yoshida said, “Having everyone have the same surname is not only inconvenient, but also undermines individual dignity.'' It added: “This would also lead to the loss of family and regional traditions associated with surnames.”

In June 2021, Japan's Supreme Court ruled that a law requiring Japanese married couples to choose one surname is constitutional after a petition was filed seeking to change the century-old tradition. did. This challenge to the “one family, one name” policy forced married couples to share the same surname.




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