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Money: How to earn thousands by having stars like Stormzy and David Attenborough film you in their homes | uk news

Money: How to earn thousands by having stars like Stormzy and David Attenborough film you in their homes |  uk news


Written by Brad Young, Money Team

The idea that you can earn up to $60,000 a year by having Stormzy film a music video in your kitchen or Paloma Faith playing with Legos in your living room may seem preposterous to homeowners unfamiliar with the filming locations industry.

But every star, studio or big brand that wants to film at a residential property needs someone willing to offer up their home for a day, and they'll pay between 700 and 3,000 for the privilege.

Homeowners and filming agencies spoke to the Money team about the promises and risks of working with companies like Disney, Netflix and ITV to tap into niche income streams.

Among them was Ed Reeve, a photographer from Hackney, who has had stars such as David Attenborough, Stormzy and Jim Broadbent visit his door during the 17 years he has been renting the house.

Mr Reeve, who is registered with location agency 1st Option, said: “Overall it was a very positive experience. In general the film crew are really lovely people and very respectful of your home.”

He works on 12 to 20 works a year. Most bring in $1,000 for a day's shoot, but some make up to $3,000 a day or last several days.

“We met a lot of interesting people,” said Mr Reeve, including Sex Education co-stars Gillian Anderson, Hugh Bonneville (Downton Abbey) and Claire Foy (The Crown).

After Stormzy filmed his music video, Mr Reeves said: “Every grime artist wanted to film here”.

David Attenborough once turned up early for a BBC shoot, which resulted in the pair sitting together for tea and Mr Reeve introducing his three-day-old daughter to the presenter.

Mr Reeve said: “He held her and looked at her with joy. It was a really special moment.”

Although the filming may leave scratches around the interior, Mr. Reeve said some of the money will be used for decoration and, in some cases, instead for Delux advertising.

‘It’s never free money’

Someone less passionate about the industry is Emer Stamp, 48, a children's author from London who has been hosting for two years.

“You think, ‘Oh, my house is going to shake,’ and then everyone says, ‘Your house is going to be perfect,’ and for some reason they don’t.

“My lesson is that making money isn’t as easy as you think.”

Mr. Stamp said his home had been selected for three productions, including a Dell shoot and a Lego commercial starring Paloma Faith, earning him about $6,000.

Hosting also leaves your schedule up to the production company, which sometimes may not be visible, Ms Stamp said.

“You think anything is free money, but it’s never free money.”

So what makes a place popular?

Becky Butler, managing director of agency Location Collective, said there was a demand for average-sized homes with a 60s and 70s vibe and quirky features.

And while many homes listed by location agencies look expensive, this is far from a deal-breaker.

“All the practical aspects of things are just as important as the aesthetics of the place,” Mr Butler said.

Parking space, generous neighbors, and ample space to store equipment are a huge plus for our customers.

If you get the right combination, it can create a “fantastic source of additional income,” says Jennifer Marshall of Shootfactory, which has connected homeowners with everyone from Little Mix to Killing Eve.

“We have assets that generate $20,000 to $60,000 a year through the company.”

The majority of the industry is based in London, but three of the agencies the Money team contacted organized shoots in Manchester, Birmingham, the Midlands, the Home Counties and the Coast.

Both Mr. Marshall and the Location Collective team said having neighbors willing to get in on the action can be a real selling point.

This could be a second home on the same street for a TV show or simply a place for the production team to live.

“It’s really important to be able to have them take on a lot of tasks,” says Lily Gonnissen, director of business development at Location Collective. “Sometimes they might have needs like painting or moving furniture.”

Ms Gonnissen said being able to respond quickly to inquiries, be available during business hours and be able to accommodate viewings within a short period of time were top priorities.

“Be friendly and welcoming. The brand remembers good owners,” a 1st Option spokesperson said. “And make sure the house is clean and free of clutter before filming.”




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